Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not a Jew

Tonight I was taken to trivia night at a synagogue. It was actually a lot of fun. Two rounds in particular were a lot of fun. In the first of these rounds they played 24 cartoon theme songs in a row and you had to guess what each one was. I would say that 50% of the cartoons I watched as a kid were X-Men. I also did not have cable growing up. I don't know if that affects it so much, but I am not exactly a cartoon aficionado. However, I was able to guess correctly the He Man theme song and the My Little Pony theme song. Those divergent cartoons were my greatest successes. The Simpsons theme song wasn't exactly hard. My Little Pony was particularly difficult since I've never even attempted to see an episode. To be honest I wasn't certain it was a cartoon. I only thought of it because of Pony. I also got Mighty Mouse because Mighty Mouse is awesome (and easy).

The second themed round was Jew or Not a Jew, where they put up pictures of celebrities on the projector and you, unsurprisingly, have to guess whether they are a Jew or not. It wasn't that hard, but I kept feeling like I was creating my own version of The Chanukah song. Surprises: Jason Biggs = Not a Jew; Sarah Michelle Geller = Jew; and most suprising of all...Paula Abdul = Jew. That last one is unfortunate. I think she probably gives Jews a bad rep. Good thing not too many people know about her.

Here's another thing I learned today: if you are going to commit a violent or drug trafficking crime that has federal jurisdiction, you really shouldn't carry a gun. Carrying a gun is a mandatory minimum 5 extra years in jail. Branishing a gun is an extra 7. Firing a gun is an extra 10. That sucks! I highly recommend just not having a gun. Or not committing federal crimes. Whichever is easier. After class, my Criminal Law professor told a classmate, "Here's some free legal advice: leave the gun at home when you are carrying weed." My classmate was appropriately freaked out.

My torts professor smacked down a kid who deserves it. It was awesome! In college we used to refer to the this type of kid as "that guy." He's the one who sits in the front of the class, raises his hand constantly, and starts every comment to the professor with "Well in my experience..." He's a douchebag basically. In law school we have been advised that "that guy" is called a "gunner." He guns for the professors attention. And my section in school certainly has a gunner. I don't know his name, but when I said "Hey, Gunner wasn't in class today," everyone knew who I was talking about. But Gunner wasn't in class on Friday (I'm assuming, since I don't recall him making obnoxious comments), nor was he in class Monday or Tuesday. A lot of people started wondering what happened to him: "Maybe he got in off a wait list to another school. "Oh, well he probably deserves to, since he knows so much" (read: what a dick). But today Gunner was back in class. No explanation. And, of course, he raises his hand in Torts class and starts pontificating on what he believes to be the common law standard for trespass. Our professor stops him mid-sentence and says, "Well you weren't here yesterday when we discussed this, and that's not exactly the case..." aka "Shut up and put your hand down." Yes! Point, game, match. Professor wins.

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