Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Even Gwen Stefani said she couldn't doubt me

First off, Jonah gets a shout out. Front and center. He paid the price. So shout out to Jonah. He's "the man," as he would say.

There is an inverse ratio between my like for my Torts professor and the amount to which he rails on moral philosophy in class. It's becoming problematic, particularly since everyone else loves him. "Oh, he's so quirky and fun with his bow ties and his hypotheticals. Tee-hee." False. He is a spectacular teacher; he is very good at communicating the subject. But I realize he is imparting his formalist (read: conservative) point of view and not really allowing much room for discussion. With him there is always a right answer according to the law. If you argue a different position you are wrong. No time. But the thing that irks me most is his (at this point) disparagment of moral philosophy. Why don't you like it? Because doing the right thing isn't important? That's what it seems like. But Spike Lee says differently. I understand what he is trying to do - to make us think about problems legally rather than morally. But with legal problems there is almost always room for argument (oh wait, not with him), yet he is just incredibly intent on following the letter of the law exactly. And it takes him to his beliefs...would you believe that? That's called law for the sake of law. But that's not the point of the law. The law is supposed to enshrine and protect higher ideas like, I don't know, justice and the good. Those things seem pretty important. But according to my professor's view the law is supposed to enshrine...the law. Wow, how's that for a tautology?

I've had enough of torts. But not torte. Chocolate torte with raspberry sauce to be specific. Had me some of that tonight, it was absolutely delicious. Rebecca and I went to this dessert/wine place. Aside from the delicious torte, the best part was trying to figure out what this guy at the bar was doing. He was there when we got and and he was there when we left. He was overweight and wearing a bowling shirt. He was balding yet had a pony tail. He was just sitting in front of a TV, not watching it, talking to some lady. Who are you balding pony tail man? And what are you doing with your life that you spend 3 hours (guestimating here) at a wine bar on a Tuesday night?

1 comment:

  1. Gwen Stefani not doubt you isn't impressive, her band's name is "No Doubt".
