Friday, September 11, 2009

Mutant Law School

Once again I find myself incredibly thankful it is Friday. I think this year at Thanksgiving I am going to be thankful for Fridays. I will not, however, be thankful for Thanksgiving. Apparently one side my family (which I usually like) has confused Thanksgiving for Family Reunion Week. I have always considered Thanksgiving a time to relax, eat turkey, and get a cold. This year Thanksgiving will be a four day marathon reunion at some hotel in Crapville, NY, 2-4 hours away from anywhere I want to be. I wanted to go to my own house, see my friends in the area, and generally chill out. Instead, I will be chilling in a different way: freezing my ass off with my extended family in upstate New York. Sweet! I'm considering mounting a rebellion and refusing to go. We'll see how this all turns out.

I think it would be cool to be a musketeer. I'd totally drop this law school business if that were an option. I'm considering re-watching that movie with Keifer Sutherland, Oliver Platt, and Charlie Sheen as a practical alternative. Those are three actors who have had divergent careers since that movie.

I decided that law school would be a lot more fun if it were mutant law school. Or at least our professors used analogies that included X-Men. "What can I be charged with if I shoot Kitty Pryde, but she phases through the bullet and is unharmed?" "What about if I shoot Wolverine, but he's alright because of his healing factor? Is that assault? Is it a deadly weapon if it can't kill him because of his mutant powers?" "What if Professor X uses telepathy to make me shoot someone, as I responsible then?" The possibilities are endless. I'm sure the laws would get a little more complicated too. But I certainly would pay more attention this way.

There is a tort called trespass to chattels. It is when someone damages another's real (non-land) property. Discussing this with my classmates I inadvertently said "I'll trespass all over your chattels." That sounds dirty. One of my classmates told me she couldn't think about it without laughing. I told her to get her mind out of the gutter.

Last night Sadie and Jess stayed at my apartment. They are driving to Texas. It's kind of unclear why that's a good idea. But it was good to see them. We went to happy hour at a bar called Front Page. Thursday night, apparently, is taco night. It was quite the fiesta. In addition to $2 Coronas (a good deal for far from my favorite beer) and half priced (read: now moderately priced) appetizers, they offered tacos 3 for $1. I don't think you are going to find a better deal than that anywhere. Not even in Mexico, where tacos are plentiful and are harvested year round (I've been told by good authorities). The only thing that made tacos better was the realization that for $20 I could buy 60 tacos!!! That's a crazy amount of unbelievable. Some masochistic Thursday night I'm going to do it. It'll be my own episode of Man vs. Food, which I've never seen.

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