Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Classes

I have two law school classes left. As luck would have it they are both Trusts & Estates, the class that makes me into Mr. Happy Fun Time. But for another three hours I can deal with it. My last two classes of school. Ever. Am I nostalgic? Maybe a bit. But any nostalgia I have is currently overwhelmed by the excitement of being done.

It's sort of weird - I don't feel a ton of finals pressure. My first final is a week from Tuesday, so I still have plenty of time. I almost wish I could move up my finals and be done earlier. As it is, my end date is May 2nd. And it cannot come soon enough.

Last night was Barrister's Ball (Law Prom). Kerry and I went to the pregame at Reza's with a bunch of other people. But right as we arrived, a fire alarm went off on the first floor of Reza's building and the elevators were shut down. So we had to hike up nine floors of stairs in our fancy clothes (and some people in their heels) and back down again to head out. It was an amusing spectacle. Also amusing was playing beirut in a suit. I don't think I've ever done that before.
Barrister's itself was fun. It was a nice social capstone to law school. Good people lookin' good, if a bit intoxicated at times. I got to chat with people enough that I nearly lost my voice (oh, and I've been feeling a little sick too). Ok, I don't know how to express it in a narrative form/I'm lazy, so I'm going with a pro and con list.
Barrister's Pros:
Good people
Good drinks at the open bar
Nice venue
Two classes left. 3L's! (I didn't stay until the end, but I can only hope that they played Vitamin C's "Graduation" at the end. Or maybe "Piano Man."

Long lines to get to the open bar (resulting in lots of double fisting)
For some reason I really wanted tequila - poor choice which I realized once I got it
Not so good DJ

Ah, so good times. The night ended, as every night should, with jumbo slice pizza in Dupont.

I'm trying to do Deep Thoughts (since I don't have Twitter). But my thoughts really aren't that deep most of the time. I'd say my average thought is along the lines of "Man, Dunkin Donuts coffee is delicious." But that doesn't have the required depth.

Oh, did I mention that my final reading assignment for law school is complete? Not that I'm gloating about this finishing thing.

Between my roommate and me, we managed to sort of explain the 2008 sub prime mortgage crisis. I felt smarter from the effort. I'm getting all cocky about it. But I'm certain I'm wrong somehow.

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