Sunday, June 27, 2010

Her Name Was Lola

I finally opened the box and set up my new computer. Is this the first blog post from my new computer?? Nope. Still using the old one. Ol' Faithful. I'm refusing to adapt. Darwin disapproves of my computer usage. But I can't just abandon this one. What ever happened to loyalty? I'm skeptical of the sleek, new one. If the new computer were a person he would appear too polished, too prepared, and a little smug. The computer has a fingerprint identifier! What is that necessary for? It's not like I keep state secrets and launch codes on my computer. I mean, it's a cool feature and makes me feel like I'm Jason Bourne, but it is really impractical.

I like the vague anti-colonial sentiments that the World Cup produces in me. Watching the U.S. lose to Ghana was bitter-sweet. I'm sorry the U.S. lost (to the limited extent that I care about soccer), but I kind of feel good that the U.S., the biggest badest awesomest country in the world (I know those don't make sense together/aren't actual words), got shown who is boss by Ghana. Ghana - not exactly an international power or even a traditionally flourishing country. But they can at least do something better than us, so more power to them. Throw off those colonial chains and play some soccer. <-- New World Cup Slogan

Friday night I went down to the Cape and got to see people including, but not limited to, Jonah, Jessie, Caitlin, and Josh. It was kind of like junior year of college all over again. Only Caitlin said dumber things (like voicing her fear of getting sunburned by the fire). And Jonah's car got a little puke in it.
We went out to a couple of bars in Falmouth, one of which sponsored the absolute worst cover band I have ever heard. By and large I'm not wild about cover bands, but this band killed me. They did not have a modicum of talent. Also, I'm pretty sure the point of a cover band is to resemble the original song. No one told that to this band. It was atrocious. A massacre of the music. Rock bottom hit when they (three white guys who were worse at their instruments than your typical high school band) played a "cover" of "Forgot About Dre." The "bassist" "rapped" the "song" while my ears bled. Beat, rhythm, lyrics - what are those? All unimportant! My god, it was terrible. I would rather have listened to "100 Years" by Five for Fighting (my least favorite song of all time) or Creed.

Today the Gap was practically giving away clothing.

1 comment:

  1. ....I would like to point out, for anyone who doesn't know - WILL WENT TO A CREED CONCERT.

    and no will, it doesn't matter that the ticket was free. your dignity still weeps.
