Sunday, June 6, 2010


Yesterday I ran tons of people around town who I haven't seen in years, most notably my two favorite high school teachers (separately). In the morning I decided for basically the first time ever to run outside on the street. I picked a street that I'd turn around at, but when I finally got there I decided to go another 2 blocks before turning around. By pure coincidence once I got to the newly decided upon street I saw a high school teacher of mine driving with his window down. I yelled to him and he stopped and talked for a little bit. What are the chances that on that day I would run outside, decide to go the extra distance, and he would be driving by with his window down for me to flag him down?
In the middle of the day I ran into about 3 people from high school whose names I remembered to varying degrees.
Then when I was out to dinner at a restaurant I ran into my other favorite high school teacher and talked to him for a while. What are the odds of that happening? Come on, something was going on yesterday. Something magical. Or just coincidental. Both of my teachers were pleased to hear that they were inspirational to me and help effect the trajectory of my life somehow between being a philosophy major and going to law school. The first teacher taught my high school ethics course in senior year. The second made sophomore year history basically into a history of ideas class - I read my first Immanuel Kant that year thanks to him, as a confused 15 year-old. Kant, Edmund Burke, Freud, and Marx to name a few things we read. As sophomores. In high school.

That dinner last night also happened to be the second time I've ever sent food back. I got salmon and it was pretty severely undercooked. Ms. Chef, you gotta throw that bad boy back on the grill. For about an hour after the meal I convinced myself that my stomach hurt and I probably had food poisoning. Maybe that's like med students thinking they have diseases they read about.

The Celtics need to figure this out. Immediately. (As I write this, it is the middle of Game 2.)

Tomorrow is the first day of work. I'm a little nervous. First days are always awkward. Where do I go? Where do I sit? Do we shake hands or kiss on the cheek? One of those I know the answer to! 1 for 3 - not bad if this is baseball. I'm actually nervous about writing legal memos and whatnot. Its just not something I'm incredibly confident about. To bolster my confidence, however, I am suiting up! Suit up!

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