Saturday, December 4, 2010

Facebook emails invade my inbox day!

Do me a favor, listen to the Jay-Z song "December 4th" for me today. It is December 4th after all. Jay-Z's birthday. And someone else's birthday. Who could that be? Conveniently located during study period before finals, a length of time often noted for having law students retreat into the library to freak out. But not I. I remain defiantly and cautiously optimistic; optimistic enough to go out for the evening.

I experienced a Hannukah miracle this morning. I went down to the work out room to lift and run. When I turned on my iPod at the beginning of my workout I noticed that I only had a little bit of battery life left. I'm talking that tiny sliver of red which indicates imminent shut down. But the battery miraculously stayed alive throughout my entire workout. A Hannukah miracle occurred on the treadmill.

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