Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Walk Home From U Street

Last night's walk home had a definite high point and a definite low point. Not often you get twenty minute walks with such moments.
The low point: watching two enormous rats playing rat tag in the middle of the sidewalk without any regard to the fact that people were walking there. Rats, you are supposed to be afraid of humans.
The high point: walking next to the Dupont fountain and seeing a number of people with balloon artist created hats in a bunch of ridiculous colors and sizes. Then hearing one cop say to the other "If I weren't on duty I'd love one of those."

I met with my (former) Civ Pro professor today. It was 1/4 "How was your summer?"; 1/4 good advice; 1/4 talking baseball; and 1/4 listening to him eviscerate big law firms and tell me how awful they are to work at. I'd say that was a productive meeting. I hope he's a good reference for the big law firms that call! (Read: IF anyone shows enough interest in me to bother calling references. Fingers crossed? Knock on wood? Mighty Mighty Bostones in fifth grade?)

I managed to assemble a bookcase somewhat incorrectly today. That was quite the accomplishment, considering that I have had said bookcase in my possession for literally a year at this point. Finally assembled. Great success.

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