Friday, October 9, 2009

Imperial Stormtroopers

Success! I finally got to have a good, quality Star Wars conversation with people at school that I didn't even initiate! I didn't even have to look like the only nerd! It was inspired by this movie:

I recommend it. I talked about my ambition to attend class dressed as an Imperial Stormtrooper and one girl actively encouraged it. She actually said she would give me between $15-20 if I did it. Fantastic. As true Star Wars fans do, we all agreed that Empire is the best movie. Made some nerdy references. I refrained from talking about IG-88 this time (that's a bounty hunter droid, for you lesser nerds). And the conversation even got to Lord of the Rings. I am now, more than ever, motivated to spend an entire day watching the extended versions of all the LotR movies consecutively. Matt and I never actually got around to it. Some day, dammit. But it's nice knowing I'm not the only out of the closet nerd at school.

Last night I ended up going to bar review at an aptly named bar named George. You'll never guess where in DC it is (Hint: Georgetown is an area of DC...). I went in crappy jeans, sneakers, and my Red Sox cap. When I got there there was a guest list, people in suits, and classy stuff all around. Whoopsies. But I kind of liked being the person who was clearly not uptight in the bar. While there were a lot of things that screamed class in that bar, there were also things that gave me pause. Here's a perfect example: $3 PBR's as a drink special. A $3 beer special is on the expensive side (and every other drink was minimum $5), yet the special is PBR, which is the opposite of class. It was a conundrum. It got crowded pretty quickly and there were a lot of non-law school students there, so it wasn't your typical bar review. I also became an old man this year and got tired early. Plus the Red Sox lost, so I didn't have motivation to stay out that late. I awoke to the news of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. What? Confused. For now, I'm looking forward to the weekend. And go Red Sox.

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