Friday, March 19, 2010

What A Crazy Friday Night

Live from's Friday night! And I am sitting at home reading my opposing counsel's brief and looking up cases on LexisNexis. Why? Because I have oral arguments tomorrow morning. Thus, I am not going to Barrister's Ball (law school prom), nor am I going anywhere else tonight except to sleep (if I'm lucky and my body feels like cooperating). I am a huge winner.

Problem: opposing counsel's brief do I say this politely...poor. There are punctuation errors, spelling errors (my favorite was leaving the "e" off "rationale"), organization problems, and statements that are just plain wrong. It's all very distracting and makes the brief hard to follow and difficult to rebut. I only have 15 minutes of oral argument - how am I supposed to point out all of her factual errors and make my own case while responding to questions from the judges? It's going to be a balancing act. Hopefully her oral argument will be a little less...incorrect than her brief. I'm really not trying to be mean here; the brief really just has misleading/incorrect information. I personally like opposing counsel. We'll see how it goes over tomorrow morning.

I do not have enough quarters to do laundry. My closet tells me this is going to be a huge problem very soon.

My Contracts professor describing a party breaching a contract: "He pulled out and disappeared." I laughed a little because I am immature. But not as immature as the people who laugh when my Property professor talks about testators and dying intestate. (Testate means leaving a valid will. Fun fact, which I did not know until this week.)

Good news: apparently the interview went well - I got the job! Very exciting.

More good news: my mom was in town for business tonight and I went out to dinner with her. It was nice to see her. It was also nice to eat steak. Of course, I learned from my lesson at the Brazilian restaurant in January and only had one plate of meat. Six was too many. Nakul knows.

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