Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Go Down Moses

Had a nice little 6 person seder tonight with some friends from school. It was very informal, for example the photocopied haggadah mentioned the parting of the "Reed" Sea, and I'm not sure it mentioned the burning bush at all. Was Moses ever named? I can't remember. But it was still nice for the ritual and tradition of it, particularly since I was a little bummed that I couldn't go home for the regular seder at my mom's house, full of Veuve Clicquot.

Two people in the elevator think I'm a drug addict. They were discussing what people do when they get old. I am assuming they were talking about a grandmother or some relative. The girl said "go to exercise class twice a day." The elevator door opened and I said "Heroin. That's what they do." Then walked out. I'd call that a good first impression.

I need to get to sleep earlier. It's my new goal. That and winning at the game of life. But that second one is more of a long-term thing. A marathon, rather than a sprint. Sprint sucks, I'm glad I have AT&T. Now I'm free associating; time to sleep for real.

John Denver did some things.

Also, before I forget (and this is actually sincere), I want to thank everyone I've improv-ed with and improv itself. Improv has helped me so much in law school, particularly getting on ADR Board and (more saliently) Moot Court Board. The competitions, and many aspects of school, are heavily reliant on thinking on your feet, giving snappy responses, and going with the flow of an unpredictable situation - all skills that improv helps immensely in developing. Who knew something so fun would be so useful? I totally lucked out in this regard.

1 comment:

  1. no problem. ill take full responsibility for your success as a law school student, and basically anything you do in life from here on out.
