Where has this week gone? Unclear. It was pretty erroneous. Life is erroneous.
The highlight has to be the auction at school on Thursday night. It was to raise money for summer funding for some program - something resembling a good cause. Most of the "items" were a variation on dinner with a professor. A wine-tasting for 6 with my Civ Pro professor went for $1200. Why? He's a popular professor and to give you an idea, one nickname of his is The Silver Fox. Wine from his personal wine cellar. He has a wine cellar? Of course he does, he has everything you could ever want in this world. It's sickening. I'm sure his wine cellar is right next to the stable where he keeps the Pegasus he rides to school everyday. Anyway, the auction was hilarious. I wisely abstained from even bidding on anything, but it was tough. The organizers were handing out free beer and pizza. In order to get more beer all you had to do was raise your beer and catch the eye of one of the roving beer distributors. Free beer brought to you. This caused a lot of people to get inappropriately drunk. Additionally it led to a spirit of recklessness in bidding on auction items. Chants, cheers, and boos were quickly instituted and many bidding wars ensued. The peer pressure in that room was overwhelming. It was enough to make me want to bid on crap that I clearly did not want/need/couldn't afford. Mostly sniper training.
Friday afternoon the people advancing to Round 2 of the Moot Court Competition were announced. I was on the list. Friday night the argument times were posted. 1PM Saturday. Gee, thanks for letting me know so far in advance. My suit is not clean, I am not motivated, and I haven't even thought about this problem in a week. I thought it was all over. Well time to suit up and dive back in. A lot of people who advanced expressed regret over doing so. In the constant battle between laziness and aspirations, laziness seems to be winning.
I am all about "Africa" by Toto. What an incredibly awful song!
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