Morning post! What a rarity. It's because I actually went to sleep at a reasonable time last night and woke up before I had a class to sprint to this morning. My reading for today is actually done; some of my reading for tomorrow is even done. I have ample time to browse the news and sip a cup of coffee. What's going on here? Oh, LRW is basically over - that godforsaken class. Exquisite.
LRW ended for all intensive purposes on Saturday morning around 10:45 when I walked out of my oral argument, looking very sharp in my suit if I do say so myself. Being a very classy gentleman, I congratulated opposing counsel on a good argument (which it truly was), straightened my tie, and did the black power fist in the air to show solidarity with my brothers and sisters who lined the halls of DC Superior Court, waiting for their oral arguments to commence. I think my own oral argument was pretty good, but who really knows? And who cares? Not me, it's over!
In celebration I met up with Rebecca and Vanessa, who was in town, and we ended up walking from the Smithsonian metro stop all the way to Arlington National Cemetery. That's a long walk. But it was fantastic - the day was glorious and did I mention that LRW was over. On the way we stopped by the Washington monument, WWII memorial, and Lincoln memorial. Arlington, which I had never been to, was pretty incredible. It is absolutely huge. I went and saw the Kennedys - John, Bobby, and Teddy. Sad face. Needless to say I love the Kennedys (I have a picture of those three on my wall) and I find them a fascinating family, so I was happy to get to pay my respects. And I was respectful. Unlike the people who were shouting into their phones or posing for pictures despite the signs asking for quiet and respect. Come on people. The worst was someone who had to explain to his friend who Teddy Kennedy was as they were stepping up to see the grave. "President Kennedy's brother. He died, like, recently." "Who? When?" There are ten million nasty things I can say about that, but what it really left me with is the idea that many people in this country do not have enough of a sense of history or a respect for the past. And here's one mean comment: Read a freaking book people - one that isn't Harry Potter!
I don't know what this says about me, but this was my ending thought, which I said to Vanessa, upon leaving Arlington: Wow, this place would make a crazy good zombie army. If I were a necromancer, I'd totally come here.
Probably too much Diablo 2 in my past. But there I was always a barbarian...
Sunday, the first full day without LRW, was largely consumed by a Passover themed scavenger hunt around Dupont Circle. The 10 clues, each of which led us to a new location, were of course plague-themed. Wow. Despite how this may sound and how bad you are judging right now, it was actually a lot of fun. My team did not win. But we also did not lose. Most importantly we didn't make ourselves look like a bunch of hyper-competitive JAPs (I'm looking at you team of girls who screamed at your teammates to run everywhere, made rude comments to my team, and wore incredibly tight and unfortunately revealing spandex). Then beers, frozen yogurt, and college basketball. So really, who won here?
I mean it was no Scavenger Hunt (I didn't get banned from IHOP, fight off capture, or throw tea bags into Boston Harbor), but it was still fun.
hmm. still judging you.