This is a bad week for lots of people I'm hearing. People are s-t-ruggling (credit to Caitlin on that one). I will include myself in that category, seeing as my appellate brief is due on Sunday and I didn't really do any work on it tonight. Additionally I may or may not be behind in reading and not entirely clear about what is happening in Con Law at the moment. So do not worry fellow strugglers, you are not alone. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother." Too dramatic? Yeah, but whatever. Maybe more appropriate is "misery loves company."
The chief cause of struggling today was my computer AC adapter. It is funny how dependent we are on all sorts of technology. And funnier still that this makes us dependent on a variety of chargers which are essential for continuing our day to day lives. Maybe that's why chargers are so expensive to replace, they know we need them. Well, my AC adapter let me know it was on its last legs in Civ Pro when I spent the entire class learning about summary judgment while holding a wire into the electrical outlet in a certain position that would allow it to charge my computer. By the time I got home my charger just refused to work. I spent an incredibly frustrating half hour on the phone with Dell trying to figure out what charger I needed to buy as a replacement. During my time on the phone with the good people at Dell (aka "Frank" in "the USA") I had to give three separate people (with three separate fake names - I don't like being deliberately lied to) the exact same information. It all got rather frustrating. At the end of it "Mary" finally told me what type of charger was the replacement and that it would cost $65. Oh, great, so I assume you can overnight that to me? Nope, turns out not - the quickest would be 2 day delivery for an additional $15. Let's see here, I can spend $80 and not have my computer for two days, or go to Best Buy tonight and pay $100 for a 'universal' charger. I'm typing this right now, so what do you think I chose? What a waste of my time, Dell. On the plus side, it is kind of cool that I got to speak to people halfway around the world today! Even if they lied to me. Were they in the Southern hemisphere? Does the water go down the drain backwards for them? Should have asked! Maybe I'll invent a problem for Dell so I can go call back and ask them. Then I'll ask them if their refrigerator is running. Then I'll remember that I'm in law school and clearly do not have time for these shenanigans. The only shenanigans I have time for are writing an inane blog and getting very angry about things over which I have no control.
I should have known today wouldn't go that well. I hit snooze three times. I think that is a law school record, though not an impressive one. Of course then I had to run to LRW (another sign today wasn't good), and in the process I forgot the coffee I had made and left on my kitchen counter. In a mug, maybe that wasn't clear. I had to buy coffee on the way to school at ABP, kinda a waste of $1.97. Yeah, I have the price memorized, wanna fight about it? That was almost balanced out by getting a free sandwich for lunch (yay!). But it was a vegetarian sandwich (boo!).
Additionally, my stupid school's deadline for applying to law clinics is Wednesday. It was nice of them to tell us that. Of course they couldn't be bothered to tell us how to apply or where to find an application. Administrative fail. Same as everything else that goes on in the administration.
Lady Gaga - you need to stop.
Lady Godiva - you need to stop also...doing whatever it is you do.
"The Supreme Court has held that..." - passive voice or past perfect tense? I think past perfect tense.
I messed up my shirt with salad dressing. Balsamic vinaigrette, you have crossed me for the last time!
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