Figured it out. That's right, formatting, I beat you! <--Pathetic. 1 more edit tomorrow, then I am done with writing crap for LRW!! So excited. So what if this is nearly 2000 words under the limit? My professor likes concision. And not my writing, so it probably won't make a difference either way. Who cares? I'm done writing! Oh joyous day.
This calls for a celebration. How about going to Boston tomorrow through Tuesday? OK, done. Yup, that's happening. It's actually for a job interview, but that's neither here nor there. I hope to see some cool cats. That was about my mom's cats, Boots and Brady. I also hope to see some friends. That would be phenomenal. I am there for an extremely limited time, I know. Sucks, but oh well. I'm already missing two days of class for this. Exciting, right? Right.
Sharks suck!
I've been listening to Flogging Molly a lot recently. I'm a fan. Not even because one of my favorite holidays is next Wednesday. Though I am super excited for that. I will miss being at college for St. Patrick's Day though. Those were some fun, possible excessive, times. The memory that stands out to me (and I have lost quite a few memories of those days) is junior year bellowing Dropkick Murphys at the top of my lungs with Packard and Keara while staring at a table completely covered with empty Guinness and Baileys bottles. I'm sure more reminiscence will follow. Let's see if we can't make some more "memories" this year.
I wish I had more exciting stories from this week, but nothing was particularly exciting unless you are a huge fan of Microsoft Word, which consumed most of my week. Also, I have been fighting off being sick for a few days. That's obnoxious. I drank three cartons of orange juice in three days! How could my body possibly even think about getting sick? If science has taught me anything it is that I should be healthy right now. I should be more than healthy. I should be a Nietzschean superman! (I took an entire course on Nietzsche and if you asked me what his philosophy is I still couldn't tell you. What a guy.) Also sometimes Nietzsche makes me want to change my name to Zarathustra so after every sentence I say I can add "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."
One more thing - new career goal: At some point in my legal career I want to yell "I AM THE LAW" at someone. They will be scared as hell; I'll be kidding but they won't know that. Much better that way.
hahha or like, the saint patricks day memory when you got a blow job from a dude?? and i have picture evidence?? like that time??
ReplyDeleteoh man, so many car bombs were consumed that night...and i think we tried irish step dancing- which incidentally makes one look like a fool if they've had no formal training