Friday, December 25, 2009

Dear Santa

Here it is: Christmas day. Despite having a chimney, I still received nothing from Santa. Why Santa? Oh, because I'm a heathen. I forgot. That's fine, you have little-to-nothing to do with Christianity anyways. We'll call it a draw. Christmas day basically means that I don't get presents, I don't have much to do, and I go out to dinner with my mom at a family friend's house. Eh, I'm fine with it. I'm more excited for tomorrow when everything that didn't get bought in the pre-Christmas present rush goes on sale. Yeah, tomorrow is my time to do gift shopping. There's no reason to abide by a strict December 25th deadline.

A couple of nights ago I went to see some comedy with Ron and Shaked. The highlight joke of the night was probably "Once I was the youngest baby in the world." And then later, "My son was the youngest baby in the world too. I think it runs in the family." That night was also absolutely freezing. Welcome back to Boston. I'm not complaining, I know it happens. But my feet were freezing the entire comedy show. It could have had something to do with the fact that we were in the attic of a Chinese food restaurant and it was about ten degrees outside. Yesterday was about 30; it was practically beach weather.

I think I need to buy long underwear or something. But the concept of it is so unappealing. Who wears it? I have no idea how prevalent it is. But I do have an idea that its weird, but warm. We may find ourselves at an impasse. Classic comfort vs. style problem.

I love driving, particularly after not having a car in DC. But I'm worried I've gone soft a little. Shaked commented to me that I've lost some edge to it. I'd like to blame it on me being tired (which I am and was), but I have a fear of losing my Bostonian driving abilities. It is something I pride myself on. I require that ability to sniff out weakness on the road, to exploit someone's momentary hesitation, to cut off a BMW because I know they are more afraid of damaging their car than I am of damaging mine. Man, I really want a car. Though preferably one that doesn't make crazy noises, take forever to heat up, and have no air conditioning this time, unlike my old car.

Dear Earth,
Can you please adjust your rotation so that the day includes daylight. If I could get to see more than 3 hours of natural light a day, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
My longitude and latitude

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