It was another long study day. But a very rewarding one. I went into it having a shaky notion of the material on my exam, and I end the day having at least a decent grasp on the material. A noticeable improvement. I may yet get out of this class with a decent grade. The problem with Crim is there are so many damn rules to remember which vary between common law and the Model Penal Code (sounds funny, i know), and they vary jurisdictionally, and there are tons of minority approaches for the rules. Basically for each rule I want to know, there are at least two ways to do it, both of which I have to know. Huge pain. Also, the only crimes we really seemed to cover were larceny, burglary, rape, and homicide. I guess conspiracy, solicitation, and attempt also. But that's a pretty limited range of crimes, isn't it. Like if you get arrested for drug possession, I can't help you; I've got nothing. I thought this was supposed to be practical training here. Most helpful would be learning about drunk in public charges, for all you lushes. Also, for a while there I was working to get some guy out of jail who didn't commit the crime he's in there for. If I could learn something that might help in that regard, that could be good too. It's only his life on the line here, no big deal. And, to say the least, my old boss ain't getting the job done by herself. She needs all the help she can get (on this and in her life generally). That means me, Shaked, and Schutzer have to get ourselves some book-learning 'bout this. (Citation for the phrase "book-learning" goes to Mr. Ryan Fanning, as per his request.)
The nice thing about finals, particularly today, is that we are kind of all in it together (read: all completely screwed). It is completely different in law school than it was in college. Exhibit 1: I spent a crapload of time studying today. Exhibit 2: I'm not terribly confident about my grasp on it. Exhibit C: I am graded against my classmates rather than on my own merits. I don't mind the hard work, but it's Exhibit C that really gets me. I wish we could just be graded based on how we do, but alas it is not to be. So I've just gotta be better than other people. It can happen. Step up. "Step Up 2: The Streets." Brush some dirt off my shoulder. This will be resolved whenever I get my grades back, probably in February. Great. Lots of anticipa...........tion.
I wish more happened to me today, but really I spent the day moving from study group to study group, absorbing knowledge and losing my sanity. At least everyone is losing their sanity as well. Law school jokes are seeming funny. Like the irony involved if someone got hit on the head with a Torts casebook. NOT FUNNY. I know, I know. I'm done.