BAMF of the day award goes to the NHL player who got hit by an SUV today, and then played his hockey game tonight. I think he wins.
The weather needs to figure it out. In the past like three days it's gone from 60's to snowing to sunny to hail/rain. I'm ok with the cold. I'm ok with the snow. But I want some consistency here. I'm actually more than ok with the snow. I was really happy when it snowed. Too bad it didn't stick to anything really and there certainly was not enough for some nice snowman building. But that's probably for the best because I don't have hot cocoa to come home to anyways. Also because building a snowman in no way helps me study for Torts, which is incredibly necessary.
Yup, first exam tomorrow. Let's do it. Nothing else is too exciting. I've mostly been studying. But I can spot a tort like nobody's business. I know that I've been studying too much when in one of my practice tests someone dies and I think it's a funny joke to try to find a cause of action for falsely imprisoning this Hell. Hahaha. The problem is, that isn't funny; I'm just losing my mind.
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