Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sweaty Elevator Ride

I briefly got stuck on the elevator in my building today. I was coming up from the basement where I had been working out (the basement contains a small gym, I wasn't just running around the basement for kicks), and I got on the elevator with a man and a woman. We all pressed the button for our respective floors and the elevator started moving. Then it stopped moving. We all looked around. I paused my iPod. Then I realized this was going to be really bad if we were stuck. I'm dripping sweat, stuck in an enclosed space with two strangers who are not catching me at my best, smell-wise. The man tried hitting all the buttons again in panic. The woman looked like she was going to cry. Eventually she asked "What floor are we on?" The light panel indicated the first floor. So the man hit the Open Door button, and luckily the door opened. We all decided to take the stairs, but some other woman immediately walked onto the elevator we just abandoned. Good luck with that! We tried warning her, but to no avail. I don't think she spoke English. We did the best we could. So we were only 'trapped' in the elevator for about a minute total, but it could have been awful. I could have made sweat buddies/enemies.

Today was the last day of classes. Hooray! Now only 4 finals between me and break. Codename: a crapton of work. It's the kind of thing where it's hard to motivate yourself to get started because you know that the first few hours are going to make so little difference that it'll be like you didn't even put that time in. Well, at least I've sort of broken through that phase. All of my outlines are started. None are finished. First exam is in 6 days. Pressure? A little. But I'm trying really hard not to have more pressure than necessary. There's a right and a wrong way to do this. The wrong way was kindly demonstrated by a classmate of mine who asked me how far along I was in outlining, for comparison purposes of course. There is not an answer I could have given that wouldn't have stressed her out. Why even ask the question? Let's at least try to relax a little. The best part of today: no more Torts class again. Ever. No more Crim Law either. That's not as satisfying, but I'll take it for now. I am a little worried about my knowledge of Torts, however. We didn't get through everything we were supposed to. We rushed through proximate cause in about 15 minutes. Proximate cause is a pretty big deal, if you were wondering.

Why are players in the NBA allowed to travel so blatently? It's not as impressive to do a lay up if you took three and a half steps to prepare with the ball in your hands. I learned in gym class that wasn't allowed!

Last night I ate at a fancy-ish Chinese restaurant. Everything was cooked exactly the same way as a regular Chinese restaurant, full of delicous crap that will take years off your life. But what made this one so much better was that they actually used good quality meat. My General Gao's chicken looked like chicken when I bit into it. There was actual white meat. It was a novel concept. Or maybe that means there is something wrong with most Chinese restaurants.

1 comment:

  1. you're from massachusetts. chinese food is terrible there as a general rule.

