I beat the snow out of DC by about 6 hours. They got dumped on apparently. Of course today Boston got some snow of its own. Not more than a foot though. Nothing us strong, accustomed New Englanders can't handle. DC-ers, however, are not as well prepared. I'm glad I didn't have to witness the mess that was our nation's capitol. In perfect conditions people have no clue how to drive there. It must have been a disaster of the utmost proportions.
Friday night I went to a holiday party courtesy of Shaked, where the most amusing part by far was a drunk girl's Sarah Palin impersonation. I then went out with Matt Francis and some other people who actually live in Boston full time. We went to this bar in Boston that was in fact three bars: an Irish bar, a bistro, and a speakeasy. It wasn't cool. My biggest problem was that the bar generally sucked. My second biggest problem was that the 'speakeasy' had a password to get in. They put the password on the internet, so you have to plan ahead or own a phone that gets internet access. That's not excluding too many people; it's not like that makes this an exclusive bar. Also the password was something dumb like "Jake and Elwood sent me." Wow, you have seen the movie "Blues Brothers." Yes, it's a good movie, but it is completely unrelated to this bar. The highlights of the night included not knowing the words to "Party in the USA" and the self-evident conclusion that Massachusetts is clearly superior to New Jersey.
Saturday night involved me, Nakul, and Brendan kicking it old school. And today, so far, has involved me shoveling and laying around. What I need is more sleep.
Ohhhh, you want this battle? I mean, since Jersey beats Massachusetts at Chinese food, bagels, and being close to New York City, I'm not really sure what your argument is based on.