Sunday, January 27, 2013

The End

I haven't posted for a long time and I think it is for a reason. This was really about the trials and tribulations of law school, or my life during law school. (OK, that was a horrible an unintentional pun.) Since law school is thankfully over, I think this blog has come to a natural end. Maybe I'll start a new one with a new theme in the future. If so, I'll keep you posted.

So thank you to everyone who ever read this blog. I only hope you got some amusement out of it at some point during its three year run. It certainly helped me vent my emotions (read: anger) during that period. And it was quite enjoyable to write along the way.

So I present, The Epilogue:
I passed the bar and was sworn in. Which, I suppose, makes me a lawyer. That is still a scary thought. I am gainfully employed at a law firm in DC. I like my job and I am anxious to get better at it (another goal is to at some point yell "I AM THE LAW!" - but that is less germane). The people I work with are surprisingly reasonable and polite; there is no ominous looking man sitting behind an old wooden desk smoking cigars and sadistically yelling at underlings, which is how I pictured law firms for a bit.

I generally like this city; I have lots of great friends; and I would even say I am doing pretty well. So as I look at where I was when I started this blog and where I am as I finish it, my takeaway is that things get better and bad situations are not permanent.

Thanks again for reading!


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