I just had to brush my teeth to prevent myself from eating any more tonight. It is a definite end point. I would never dare disobey the Listerine instructions.
I wonder what it is like to eat an Airborne capsule without first dissolving it in water. I have it on good authority that it is an intense experience.
My Crim Pro casebook is titled "Criminal Procedure and the Constitution." The front cover prominently displays a picture of the Declaration of Independence. The document depicted is clearly dated "July 4, 1776." I find this hilarious and am contemplating alerting the publisher.
Tomorrow is February, the month where my apartment building gets to stiff me on rent.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Don't Touch My Laundry
Today I got over a massive bout of laundry procrastination, spurred by my severely depleted supply of socks. I put my clothing in the washer and went next door in the basement to the workout room. I came back an estimated 5 minutes after I guessed the washer would be done only to find some woman moving my whites out of the washer onto the table.
Me: Um?!?!!
Her: Oh, is this yours?
Me: Yes!
Her: And the one next to it
Me (seeing she opened the washer containing my colors as well): Yes!
Her: You are putting it in the dryer?
Me: Yes!
Her: Oh. Ok. Do you want me to keep...
Me: No!
Her: ...or do you want to do it yourself.
Me: Yes, I will do it myself.
She then proceeded to intently watch me put my wet laundry into the dryer. Not glaring or mean, but sort of curiously and impatiently. Now I dislike when people leave their laundry in the washer or dryer for a long time. But I was 5, maximum 10 minutes late. And I am about 99% positive that there were other washers not being used. Why did this lady focus on my washers? Why would she offer to keep unloading my clothing after I had arrived? Why did she never once utter the word "sorry?" All of these are mysteries. I ended up with an uncomfortable laundry experience. This is not going to help my motivation next time I need to do laundry.
Eva came this weekend. Among other places, we went to the Holocaust Museum. It was pretty much a downer. We spent about 3 hours there without knowing it. It was quite draining. After we got out Eva says, "So what was...your favorite part? I guess that's not really a question you can ask." The Museum was intense. You walk through a train car. I think I prepared myself for it to be worse somehow, so I ended up alright. But not a fun, happy weekend destination.
Eva also failed to convince me to purchase a pink shirt, despite an admirable attempt. It's just not my thing.
Another product I am going to make: lynx links.
This time I know what it is: cuff links with a lynx on them. It's my first step to opening up a clothing line based entirely on puns.
Me: Um?!?!!
Her: Oh, is this yours?
Me: Yes!
Her: And the one next to it
Me (seeing she opened the washer containing my colors as well): Yes!
Her: You are putting it in the dryer?
Me: Yes!
Her: Oh. Ok. Do you want me to keep...
Me: No!
Her: ...or do you want to do it yourself.
Me: Yes, I will do it myself.
She then proceeded to intently watch me put my wet laundry into the dryer. Not glaring or mean, but sort of curiously and impatiently. Now I dislike when people leave their laundry in the washer or dryer for a long time. But I was 5, maximum 10 minutes late. And I am about 99% positive that there were other washers not being used. Why did this lady focus on my washers? Why would she offer to keep unloading my clothing after I had arrived? Why did she never once utter the word "sorry?" All of these are mysteries. I ended up with an uncomfortable laundry experience. This is not going to help my motivation next time I need to do laundry.
Eva came this weekend. Among other places, we went to the Holocaust Museum. It was pretty much a downer. We spent about 3 hours there without knowing it. It was quite draining. After we got out Eva says, "So what was...your favorite part? I guess that's not really a question you can ask." The Museum was intense. You walk through a train car. I think I prepared myself for it to be worse somehow, so I ended up alright. But not a fun, happy weekend destination.
Eva also failed to convince me to purchase a pink shirt, despite an admirable attempt. It's just not my thing.
Another product I am going to make: lynx links.
This time I know what it is: cuff links with a lynx on them. It's my first step to opening up a clothing line based entirely on puns.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves
I love this feeling. It' going to start snowing in a few hours. It's expected to be more than 3 inches, so it can shut this city down (hilariously). I love waiting for the snow to see how much we will get. It doesn't matter that much to me, I only have one class tomorrow. But it would be nice if everyone else got a snow day everyone will relax and be around.
I dub the kid who sits close to me in Crim Pro, new gunner. Yesterday he spoke in class 4 times and added nothing. He irritated me enough that I raised my hand and spoke to counter his opinion. He was both incorrect as a point of law and stupid (though the two probably had to do with each other). What makes it worse is that his name is Will. This prompted the professor, when referring to my (correct) comment as Will 2. I do not appreciate that. I'm going to see what I can do about changing new gunner's name to Gunner. He certainly will be referred to here as such. Maybe I'll make him a nice name tag to wear.
My friend Shannon also hates him. And the other girl in that class I cannot stand. All I had to say to Shannon was "That girl who sits on the other side from you," and she knew exactly who I was talking about. This girl dresses like she just got out of a business meeting in July and speaks as if she is the world's premier authority on Criminal Procedure. "Of course the majority doesn't take into account the difference between the initial search of the arrestee's person and the further search of the contents of his pocket." Good job, all you did was repeat what the dissent said as if it were your own idea. Never speak again.
Rand Paul should stop acting as if he knows the first thing about constitutional law. He doesn't. He is an ophthalmologist. And 80 years of Supreme Court cases disagree with his reading of the Constitution, so I think I'm going to go with the people who know what they are talking about. He makes me so angry. Just one more thing: how can he claim to be a libertarian but support government restrictions (read: a ban) on abortion? Time to go back and check your first principles.
I dub the kid who sits close to me in Crim Pro, new gunner. Yesterday he spoke in class 4 times and added nothing. He irritated me enough that I raised my hand and spoke to counter his opinion. He was both incorrect as a point of law and stupid (though the two probably had to do with each other). What makes it worse is that his name is Will. This prompted the professor, when referring to my (correct) comment as Will 2. I do not appreciate that. I'm going to see what I can do about changing new gunner's name to Gunner. He certainly will be referred to here as such. Maybe I'll make him a nice name tag to wear.
My friend Shannon also hates him. And the other girl in that class I cannot stand. All I had to say to Shannon was "That girl who sits on the other side from you," and she knew exactly who I was talking about. This girl dresses like she just got out of a business meeting in July and speaks as if she is the world's premier authority on Criminal Procedure. "Of course the majority doesn't take into account the difference between the initial search of the arrestee's person and the further search of the contents of his pocket." Good job, all you did was repeat what the dissent said as if it were your own idea. Never speak again.
Rand Paul should stop acting as if he knows the first thing about constitutional law. He doesn't. He is an ophthalmologist. And 80 years of Supreme Court cases disagree with his reading of the Constitution, so I think I'm going to go with the people who know what they are talking about. He makes me so angry. Just one more thing: how can he claim to be a libertarian but support government restrictions (read: a ban) on abortion? Time to go back and check your first principles.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Join Together
I am going to create a new product: the Freudian Slip and Slide. I'm not sure how it will work yet, but I'll get back to you on that.
This morning I took full advantage of being an adult and ate cake for breakfast. Cake and Dunkin Donuts. There is not a whole lot more you can ask for from a morning. At least it wasn't ice cream cake, so I didn't ruin my appetite for the entire day.
I am slightly to moderately worried about my summer job stability. The group I was hired into just lost a lot of partners. I am a bit anxious. Hopefully it means the group has to beef up and hire lots of new associates (from their summer class, even!), but I am not thrilled at the announcement. No news was good news.
Gluten-free pizza: it's pizza, just a little worse somehow. My extensive experience with gluten-free products has taught me a similar lesson time and time again. Thanks Emma!
Right now I am "working" on my note. I am "outlining" the remaining part of it and "editing" the rest. Really though, I just want to turn in what I have. It's the first draft, it's ungraded. The only driving force is the more work I do now, the less I have to do later. I want to keep working on this as much as I want to be spoon fed an entire jar of mayonnaise.
This new Kanye album I keep hearing about is great. "Golddigger" - remixing a Ray Charles song, what a novel idea!
Beer me.
Yesterday I was in a bookstore when I started looking at the new Tucker Max book. I accidentally spent 20 minutes reading it and laughing out loud to myself. I probably looked like a big jerk. No matter how much I might dislike his actions, he is a good, humorous writer, nothing to be done about that. At least he doesn't try to hide the monster that he is. Which makes him more virtuous? Tucker Max - actually a saint?? Nope, not by a long shot.
Keith Olbermann, goodbye. Start counting down to your next career move. I'm a little sad. Sure he had a bias which might not be a great trait in newscasters. But his bias helped to balance out the entire Fox News network, which is surely infinitely worse. Plus I happened to agree with his bias a lot of the time. I have never agreed with Glenn Beck, or his weepy, weepy eyes. Wolf Blitzer has a bias towards beards. If Wolf Blitzer were a dog he would ironically be a chihuahua. With a beard.
This morning I took full advantage of being an adult and ate cake for breakfast. Cake and Dunkin Donuts. There is not a whole lot more you can ask for from a morning. At least it wasn't ice cream cake, so I didn't ruin my appetite for the entire day.
I am slightly to moderately worried about my summer job stability. The group I was hired into just lost a lot of partners. I am a bit anxious. Hopefully it means the group has to beef up and hire lots of new associates (from their summer class, even!), but I am not thrilled at the announcement. No news was good news.
Gluten-free pizza: it's pizza, just a little worse somehow. My extensive experience with gluten-free products has taught me a similar lesson time and time again. Thanks Emma!
Right now I am "working" on my note. I am "outlining" the remaining part of it and "editing" the rest. Really though, I just want to turn in what I have. It's the first draft, it's ungraded. The only driving force is the more work I do now, the less I have to do later. I want to keep working on this as much as I want to be spoon fed an entire jar of mayonnaise.
This new Kanye album I keep hearing about is great. "Golddigger" - remixing a Ray Charles song, what a novel idea!
Beer me.
Yesterday I was in a bookstore when I started looking at the new Tucker Max book. I accidentally spent 20 minutes reading it and laughing out loud to myself. I probably looked like a big jerk. No matter how much I might dislike his actions, he is a good, humorous writer, nothing to be done about that. At least he doesn't try to hide the monster that he is. Which makes him more virtuous? Tucker Max - actually a saint?? Nope, not by a long shot.
Keith Olbermann, goodbye. Start counting down to your next career move. I'm a little sad. Sure he had a bias which might not be a great trait in newscasters. But his bias helped to balance out the entire Fox News network, which is surely infinitely worse. Plus I happened to agree with his bias a lot of the time. I have never agreed with Glenn Beck, or his weepy, weepy eyes. Wolf Blitzer has a bias towards beards. If Wolf Blitzer were a dog he would ironically be a chihuahua. With a beard.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Welcome to the Thunderdome
This would be a much more substantial entry had I not just pumped out a 1500 word paper tonight. It's for my Law of Democracy class, and I am pretty sure that when I look it over tomorrow morning, mere hours before it is submitted, I will be unhappy with its quality. Oh well, it will be done. 1 down, 3 to go for the semester. Much better than taking a stressful final.
I was summoned to an ADR (alternative dispute resolution) Board meeting tonight to hear a bunch of things which do not affect me or could have been communicated in a three sentence email. The email about the meeting was ironically longer than three sentences. It promised pizza. I was not at the front of the pizza line, however, and two people before me the pizza run out. That was going to be my dinner. So I found myself torn away from writing a time-crunched paper, hungry, and lied to at a meeting which was totally irrelevant. I haven't been that angry in a good long while.
I went to an info session about clerkships today. I stopped paying attention when one of the panelists said "very unique" twice in one sentence. That's not putting your best foot forward, sir.
I think pretty soon there may be tales of a new gunner. He is in my Crim Pro class and is incredibly close to gaining the official title. Today he brought up the Confrontation Clause because he thought it made him look smart - we are not learning about the Confrontation Clause. If you are going to voice your opinion please confine it to the subject matter of our class. The class really gains nothing otherwise, although it wasn't gaining a lot from having him in the class in the first place. Push me again, gunner. We'll see what happens on Thursday. But new gunner is a very real possibility.
I was summoned to an ADR (alternative dispute resolution) Board meeting tonight to hear a bunch of things which do not affect me or could have been communicated in a three sentence email. The email about the meeting was ironically longer than three sentences. It promised pizza. I was not at the front of the pizza line, however, and two people before me the pizza run out. That was going to be my dinner. So I found myself torn away from writing a time-crunched paper, hungry, and lied to at a meeting which was totally irrelevant. I haven't been that angry in a good long while.
I went to an info session about clerkships today. I stopped paying attention when one of the panelists said "very unique" twice in one sentence. That's not putting your best foot forward, sir.
I think pretty soon there may be tales of a new gunner. He is in my Crim Pro class and is incredibly close to gaining the official title. Today he brought up the Confrontation Clause because he thought it made him look smart - we are not learning about the Confrontation Clause. If you are going to voice your opinion please confine it to the subject matter of our class. The class really gains nothing otherwise, although it wasn't gaining a lot from having him in the class in the first place. Push me again, gunner. We'll see what happens on Thursday. But new gunner is a very real possibility.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Belly dancing?!
Yesterday I took a day trip up to central New Jersey to go to my great uncle Nate's 99th birthday party/6th wedding anniversary. That's right, he was married to his third wife at age 93. Please raise your hand if that also applies to you. His wife, Helen, is only 80, a baby by comparison. So this party went from 12:30 to 4 or so. The average age was around 75. It was full of family I did not know for the most part (I got an entire new section of my family 6 years ago!) and Nate and Helen's friends who I definitely did not know (because I was not an adolescent during the Great Depression). At 12:55 pm, my cousins and I decided a drink was required. Do not judge. We also got Nate a stiff martini which he promptly downed. Did I mention that he is 99? What a baller.
In the middle of from making polite conversation with people at least two generations my senior, it was announced that there would be dancing. Belly dancing. Helen's friend's daughter is apparently a belly dancer. She is also around 50. She did a couple of dances by herself before asking for volunteers to join her. She pulled up three 80-year olds, gave them silk scarves, and taught them rudimentary belly dance moves. If you haven't seen geriatrics shake their midriff, you are missing something. Something ridiculous, to be specific. It was just an absurd situation and I was completely unprepared. I could only sit there covering my mouth with my hand from a combination of disbelief and laughter. I was just going to see family and be a good great-nephew; I did not know I would be getting a free show.
The past week was fairly writing intensive because my note is due soon. This week will be even more so. I'm not saying the writing will be good.
On Friday, I took a break from writing to have lunch with Asher who was in town briefly. We went to a fairly nice restaurant in Dupont and upon sitting down Ash immediately says "Happy birthday, sorry I missed it," and pulled out the sketchiest looking package ever. I have a picture:

That beauty is a bottle of Nicaraguan rum wrapped in tape and a ziplock bag, just in case you couldn't tell. Clearly the most appropriate thing to be whipping out and placing on the table in the middle of a nice restaurant. Thanks Ash! I am glad to see he has not lost his touch.
I refuse to watch Sportscenter for the next week. The Patriots forgot the cardinal rule of sports: don't suck. I'm not even sad that I didn't get to watch the game because I was in Jersey. Though I like to think that maybe if I had watched and provided that little extra boost of positive energy then it could have changed everything. A kind of butterfly effect (not with Ashton Kutcher though). Does anyone else think like that ever? I got made fun of for saying that before, so I really hope I am not the only one.
In the middle of from making polite conversation with people at least two generations my senior, it was announced that there would be dancing. Belly dancing. Helen's friend's daughter is apparently a belly dancer. She is also around 50. She did a couple of dances by herself before asking for volunteers to join her. She pulled up three 80-year olds, gave them silk scarves, and taught them rudimentary belly dance moves. If you haven't seen geriatrics shake their midriff, you are missing something. Something ridiculous, to be specific. It was just an absurd situation and I was completely unprepared. I could only sit there covering my mouth with my hand from a combination of disbelief and laughter. I was just going to see family and be a good great-nephew; I did not know I would be getting a free show.
The past week was fairly writing intensive because my note is due soon. This week will be even more so. I'm not saying the writing will be good.
On Friday, I took a break from writing to have lunch with Asher who was in town briefly. We went to a fairly nice restaurant in Dupont and upon sitting down Ash immediately says "Happy birthday, sorry I missed it," and pulled out the sketchiest looking package ever. I have a picture:
That beauty is a bottle of Nicaraguan rum wrapped in tape and a ziplock bag, just in case you couldn't tell. Clearly the most appropriate thing to be whipping out and placing on the table in the middle of a nice restaurant. Thanks Ash! I am glad to see he has not lost his touch.
I refuse to watch Sportscenter for the next week. The Patriots forgot the cardinal rule of sports: don't suck. I'm not even sad that I didn't get to watch the game because I was in Jersey. Though I like to think that maybe if I had watched and provided that little extra boost of positive energy then it could have changed everything. A kind of butterfly effect (not with Ashton Kutcher though). Does anyone else think like that ever? I got made fun of for saying that before, so I really hope I am not the only one.
old people like whoa,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow? What Snow?
Oh right, it's DC, so it doesn't really 'snow.' It snowed a little bit last night, the heaviest of it was, of course, as I was walking to U Street. The minute I got where I was going it lightened up significantly. I have friends here who were contemplating a snow day off from school. Yeah right. Boston and the Northeast is a different story, from what I hear. So I say to everyone currently snowed in, have some hot chocolate, maybe some peppermint schnapps, and enjoy it. I know shoveling can be a bummer, but it builds character. (When I was a boy I had to shovel my way to school 4 miles uphill, both ways. It's not true or logical. School was only 1.5 miles away.) But really, good luck with the snow! Stay warm and safe!
Yesterday was one of those days where I just had to pee. All day. I hope I am not the only person who occasionally has days like that. If I am, then I am going to consult a physician. Perhaps caffeine intake has an effect?
My note is progressing slowly. Regurgitating facts for a long research paper I do not care much about is not nearly as exciting as, say, battling Godzilla. Or watching "The League." Whichever is more realistic. In Japan, I guess it is Godzilla since "The League" does not have Japanese subtitles. My first draft is due in a week and a half and must clock in at 25 pages and 60 footnotes. I have no doubt that I will be able to get there, but the trek is slow. I feel like Lewis and Clark...I guess because it took them a while to get where they were going and it doesn't seem like too much fun to be wandering across the entire continent. Too I don't feel like Louis and Clark, because then I would be Superman. Good thing I am not Spiderman though, see Broadway accident. Wow, that would really suck to finally fulfill a lifelong dream of being a superhero and then getting terribly injured in the process. That's like winning the lottery, but then having a burglar steal the lottery ticket out of your apartment before you could cash it in. I guess it is more ironic than many of the things Alanis Morisette considers to be ironic.
Yesterday was one of those days where I just had to pee. All day. I hope I am not the only person who occasionally has days like that. If I am, then I am going to consult a physician. Perhaps caffeine intake has an effect?
My note is progressing slowly. Regurgitating facts for a long research paper I do not care much about is not nearly as exciting as, say, battling Godzilla. Or watching "The League." Whichever is more realistic. In Japan, I guess it is Godzilla since "The League" does not have Japanese subtitles. My first draft is due in a week and a half and must clock in at 25 pages and 60 footnotes. I have no doubt that I will be able to get there, but the trek is slow. I feel like Lewis and Clark...I guess because it took them a while to get where they were going and it doesn't seem like too much fun to be wandering across the entire continent. Too I don't feel like Louis and Clark, because then I would be Superman. Good thing I am not Spiderman though, see Broadway accident. Wow, that would really suck to finally fulfill a lifelong dream of being a superhero and then getting terribly injured in the process. That's like winning the lottery, but then having a burglar steal the lottery ticket out of your apartment before you could cash it in. I guess it is more ironic than many of the things Alanis Morisette considers to be ironic.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Game Time
Okay, I really do have a resolution for the new year, a serious one. I want to be more decisive. I think. (Joke!)
That beats my other resolution of teaching people how dish racks work and specifically pointing out to everyone that you have to put the dishes away once they are dry, they are not going to do it by magic. Pet peeve alert.
I was just talking about the sad episode of Futurama to Shaked, the one about Fry's dog. It occurs to me that I find sad animal movies sadder on average than sad human movies. The movie "My Dog Skip" (it had Malcolm in the Middle in it) is much sadder than...oh say "Pearl Harbor." That dog was so cute! Ben Affleck...meh. Hope I didn't ruin it for you. (Dumbledore dies!)
Part of my new years resolution was driven home by my indecision in choosing classes. I have to make a change (or two) to my schedule. And I have been questioning it for a while. Arg. But it looks like I am ending up with Criminal Procedure (this is the iffy one), Law of Democracy (it sounds like a joke, but it's actually cool - voting rights and political parties and whatnot), Lawyers Lobbying and the Law (also sounds like a joke...I offer no defense), and Federal Income Tax (not a joke in any way, shape, or form).
I would be better at 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon if I knew more movies Kevin Bacon was in.
Welcome to the U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker Bo(eh)ner.
That beats my other resolution of teaching people how dish racks work and specifically pointing out to everyone that you have to put the dishes away once they are dry, they are not going to do it by magic. Pet peeve alert.
I was just talking about the sad episode of Futurama to Shaked, the one about Fry's dog. It occurs to me that I find sad animal movies sadder on average than sad human movies. The movie "My Dog Skip" (it had Malcolm in the Middle in it) is much sadder than...oh say "Pearl Harbor." That dog was so cute! Ben Affleck...meh. Hope I didn't ruin it for you. (Dumbledore dies!)
Part of my new years resolution was driven home by my indecision in choosing classes. I have to make a change (or two) to my schedule. And I have been questioning it for a while. Arg. But it looks like I am ending up with Criminal Procedure (this is the iffy one), Law of Democracy (it sounds like a joke, but it's actually cool - voting rights and political parties and whatnot), Lawyers Lobbying and the Law (also sounds like a joke...I offer no defense), and Federal Income Tax (not a joke in any way, shape, or form).
I would be better at 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon if I knew more movies Kevin Bacon was in.
Welcome to the U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker Bo(eh)ner.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Welcome 2011, can I get you anything?
I have been away from a computer for around three straight days and it has been glorious. In the meantime it became 2011, so happy new year.
2010 ended with a bang (which was likely caused by some drunken fool falling over a table). The 30th (sorry, I lost track of days of the week), I went out to Holyoke with Matt Francis, Matt "Foxy" Brown, Misha, Sandler, and Erik to go on a brewery tour. Holyoke is a 2 hour drive. Being a party of six, we took two cars. The first car was Foxy, Francis, and me. Upon arriving in Holyoke we were informed that the second car was still about an hour away, apparently because it was commandeered by morons. After a lovely (read: depressing) driving tour of the town, we decided to eat lunch at Friendly's, mostly because it was the only non-McDonald's place we could find. Turns out Friendly's is the most popular place in Holyoke. We actually had to wait in line; worse, we were second in line. Talk about demeaning - waiting in line at Friendly's. During our meal we received good and bad news. The good news was that the other car had made it and found the brewery. The bad news is that the brewery was not giving tours so we had essentially driven to Holyoke to eat at Friendly's.
Not easily discouraged, our car went to the brewery where, despite "not giving tours," we were given beer to sample and shown around by the brewer. It was pretty neat. After buying about 4 cases of beer, we departed. Francis and I switched cars to get some quality time with Erik and Sandler. Erik dutifully drove while the rest of us took full advantage of the facts that we were 1) not driving, and 2) in a car with 4 cases of delicious beer. It was not the most mature moment of my life, but it was one of the most entertaining car rides I have ever been part of.
The next morning I went with Preethi, Caitlin, and Caitlin's boyfriend to Jonah's in New York. There were copious modes of transportation along the way (2 car rides, a commuter train, the subway, and good old fashioned walking), lots of pizza (lunch and dinner), and Girl Talk (Caitlin is a true appreciator).
Side note: when we were boarding the train in Connecticut to go to New York, Caitlin and I watched a guy introduce his brother to his girlfriend. The girlfriend said to the brother, "Oh, I just met you in a picture I saw." Both Caitlin and I were absolutely appalled. Anyways...
Jonah threw a well-sized party at his apartment. We had people in from all over the country (and it is kind of an odd thought that I am one of those dispersed people) and it was great to see them. I love me some reunion.
I made the important, if unsurprising, discovery that rum-and-coke-and-red-wine-pong is not a good game (this was Packard's fault, well after midnight). I think only one or two things broke in the apartment. And besides that...it was just a good time.
I will take this opportunity to formally apologize to Jonah (and anyone else I should be apologizing to) for spewing profanity directed towards at 3am.
The next morning about ten of us went to brunch. I scarfed down my french toast because I was in desperate need of sustenance. Eli ordered an Irish coffee and a mimosa with his food.
After most people departed, I stuck it out at Jonah's with Laura. We bummed around, saw True Grit, and generally abused Jonah's hospitality until....sake bombing commenced (with maybe 25 people from college - definitely too many). The real kind of sake bombing, complete with chopsticks and banging on the table. It was my first time, and it was pretty fun though a bit messy (spill-wise, not like drunk-wise).
If you have never been, you set a small cup of sake on chopsticks which are laying over a glass filled with beer. Then you bang on the table to make the cup fall into the beer and chug the beer and sake combination.
Of course, you use gross Japanese beer and sake itself is pretty disgusting. To be honest, I am not sure exactly why bombing is desirable or fun, but it was. Probably the company. Jonah and Yodi kept having chugging contests with Jonah continually proclaiming his dominance and talking about how he "crushed" the beer. All you can drink for two hours, it could have been a lot worse. For an epic beginning, the night ended rather mundanely, which was actually welcome. Laura and I staked out a food cart while Jonah "crushed" some Propel fitness water. We all went back to Jonah's, talked lots of trash, and went to bed.
This morning I woke up, found my way around Port Authority, and came back to DC. So here I am. Happy new year. Classes start tomorrow. Yup, tomorrow. I just did my first reading assignment, in fact. Yet I feel strangely optimistic, if on the verge of renewing my status of sleep deprivation. Here's to a good semester, good friends, and a good year.
2010 ended with a bang (which was likely caused by some drunken fool falling over a table). The 30th (sorry, I lost track of days of the week), I went out to Holyoke with Matt Francis, Matt "Foxy" Brown, Misha, Sandler, and Erik to go on a brewery tour. Holyoke is a 2 hour drive. Being a party of six, we took two cars. The first car was Foxy, Francis, and me. Upon arriving in Holyoke we were informed that the second car was still about an hour away, apparently because it was commandeered by morons. After a lovely (read: depressing) driving tour of the town, we decided to eat lunch at Friendly's, mostly because it was the only non-McDonald's place we could find. Turns out Friendly's is the most popular place in Holyoke. We actually had to wait in line; worse, we were second in line. Talk about demeaning - waiting in line at Friendly's. During our meal we received good and bad news. The good news was that the other car had made it and found the brewery. The bad news is that the brewery was not giving tours so we had essentially driven to Holyoke to eat at Friendly's.
Not easily discouraged, our car went to the brewery where, despite "not giving tours," we were given beer to sample and shown around by the brewer. It was pretty neat. After buying about 4 cases of beer, we departed. Francis and I switched cars to get some quality time with Erik and Sandler. Erik dutifully drove while the rest of us took full advantage of the facts that we were 1) not driving, and 2) in a car with 4 cases of delicious beer. It was not the most mature moment of my life, but it was one of the most entertaining car rides I have ever been part of.
The next morning I went with Preethi, Caitlin, and Caitlin's boyfriend to Jonah's in New York. There were copious modes of transportation along the way (2 car rides, a commuter train, the subway, and good old fashioned walking), lots of pizza (lunch and dinner), and Girl Talk (Caitlin is a true appreciator).
Side note: when we were boarding the train in Connecticut to go to New York, Caitlin and I watched a guy introduce his brother to his girlfriend. The girlfriend said to the brother, "Oh, I just met you in a picture I saw." Both Caitlin and I were absolutely appalled. Anyways...
Jonah threw a well-sized party at his apartment. We had people in from all over the country (and it is kind of an odd thought that I am one of those dispersed people) and it was great to see them. I love me some reunion.
I made the important, if unsurprising, discovery that rum-and-coke-and-red-wine-pong is not a good game (this was Packard's fault, well after midnight). I think only one or two things broke in the apartment. And besides that...it was just a good time.
I will take this opportunity to formally apologize to Jonah (and anyone else I should be apologizing to) for spewing profanity directed towards at 3am.
The next morning about ten of us went to brunch. I scarfed down my french toast because I was in desperate need of sustenance. Eli ordered an Irish coffee and a mimosa with his food.
After most people departed, I stuck it out at Jonah's with Laura. We bummed around, saw True Grit, and generally abused Jonah's hospitality until....sake bombing commenced (with maybe 25 people from college - definitely too many). The real kind of sake bombing, complete with chopsticks and banging on the table. It was my first time, and it was pretty fun though a bit messy (spill-wise, not like drunk-wise).
If you have never been, you set a small cup of sake on chopsticks which are laying over a glass filled with beer. Then you bang on the table to make the cup fall into the beer and chug the beer and sake combination.
Of course, you use gross Japanese beer and sake itself is pretty disgusting. To be honest, I am not sure exactly why bombing is desirable or fun, but it was. Probably the company. Jonah and Yodi kept having chugging contests with Jonah continually proclaiming his dominance and talking about how he "crushed" the beer. All you can drink for two hours, it could have been a lot worse. For an epic beginning, the night ended rather mundanely, which was actually welcome. Laura and I staked out a food cart while Jonah "crushed" some Propel fitness water. We all went back to Jonah's, talked lots of trash, and went to bed.
This morning I woke up, found my way around Port Authority, and came back to DC. So here I am. Happy new year. Classes start tomorrow. Yup, tomorrow. I just did my first reading assignment, in fact. Yet I feel strangely optimistic, if on the verge of renewing my status of sleep deprivation. Here's to a good semester, good friends, and a good year.
i am sometimes a moron,
new years,
new york
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