Today I got over a massive bout of laundry procrastination, spurred by my severely depleted supply of socks. I put my clothing in the washer and went next door in the basement to the workout room. I came back an estimated 5 minutes after I guessed the washer would be done only to find some woman moving my whites out of the washer onto the table.
Me: Um?!?!!
Her: Oh, is this yours?
Me: Yes!
Her: And the one next to it
Me (seeing she opened the washer containing my colors as well): Yes!
Her: You are putting it in the dryer?
Me: Yes!
Her: Oh. Ok. Do you want me to keep...
Me: No!
Her: ...or do you want to do it yourself.
Me: Yes, I will do it myself.
She then proceeded to intently watch me put my wet laundry into the dryer. Not glaring or mean, but sort of curiously and impatiently. Now I dislike when people leave their laundry in the washer or dryer for a long time. But I was 5, maximum 10 minutes late. And I am about 99% positive that there were other washers not being used. Why did this lady focus on my washers? Why would she offer to keep unloading my clothing after I had arrived? Why did she never once utter the word "sorry?" All of these are mysteries. I ended up with an uncomfortable laundry experience. This is not going to help my motivation next time I need to do laundry.
Eva came this weekend. Among other places, we went to the Holocaust Museum. It was pretty much a downer. We spent about 3 hours there without knowing it. It was quite draining. After we got out Eva says, "So what was...your favorite part? I guess that's not really a question you can ask." The Museum was intense. You walk through a train car. I think I prepared myself for it to be worse somehow, so I ended up alright. But not a fun, happy weekend destination.
Eva also failed to convince me to purchase a pink shirt, despite an admirable attempt. It's just not my thing.
Another product I am going to make: lynx links.
This time I know what it is: cuff links with a lynx on them. It's my first step to opening up a clothing line based entirely on puns.
I would buy everything.