Prepare for Snowpocalypse 2010: DC Edition. Allegedly we are supposed to get 1-2 feet of snow. That's right feet. I hate feet. But not the measurement. Though why don't we get on board with the metric system? Because it's un-American, that's why. A senator should have hearings to discover people who use the metric system and their un-American ways. Oh, wait, maybe not a good idea. Back to the point: we are going to get a lot of snow. I usually think meteorologists are little better than crystal ball gazers, but they rarely go out on such a limb. So good chance of snow here. Maybe class will be canceled tomorrow? Maybe the weekend will be canceled? That wouldn't be so fun. Luckily they can't do that! I've been running low on groceries. So what did I do after school today? Run to Trader Joe's? Nope. Run to the liquor store? Correct. Gotta have the essentials. I have a few cans of beans and some rice lying around. That plus eggs should get me through the weekend somehow, I figure. Wow. Taking the label of "poor grad student" to a new level. At least it's not Ramen for two meals a day. Though come to think of it........
Well, Jameson sold for the same price no matter whether you bought the one that included two novelty glasses or not. Clearly I bought the novelty glass included version. I'd say it is a deal, but I'm not so sure. Kind of expensive. But delicious. Irish coffee on Sunday? It is a distinct possibility.
Not because I usually get drunk in the morning/afternoon on Sundays, but because it is Superbowl Sunday AND Memo Hand-In Sunday. What a big day! I can't wait. For the Saints to win. And for this infernal memo to be over with. Though I am making substantial steps. First draft is all done. Now just editing and taking out about 500 words. I'll be good to go.
Today in Civil Procedure my professor played us a song to illustrate the power of federal judges. It is to the tune of "Happy Together" by The Turtles, and it is called "Appointed Forever." It was pretty amusing. It is by a group of singing lawyers in Texas. What??? What is going on here? It was, however, a good way of getting me to pay attention in Civ Pro. Because I was planning on spending my class time reacquainting myself with Hilary Putnam's "Brains In A Vat" problem, which is meant to illustrate the problems posed by skepticism. Quite interesting (if you're a philosophy nerd). Too bad I don't remember everything about semantic externalism, so I can't remember how to get out the brains in a vat problem. Whoopsies. Does that mean I'm stuck as a brain in a vat? Oh no! <-- Lunchtime conversation.
I want to re-read "The Crying of Lot 49" (TCL49), but I really do not have time. Heck, I've got five New Yorker magazines piled up next to my bed to get through. I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't go to law school, there still would not be enough time to get through the New Yorker every week. It's marvelously entertaining, while simultaneously dry and boring. I use it when I have a problem getting to sleep. Or when I feel like I need a little New York pretentiousness in my life, which does happen. (Random TCL49 reference: W.A.S.T.E. I had to get that out of my system. Thank you.)
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