Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Damned if you Do

When it has snowed there is accumulation on the ground which often includes the edges of the sidewalk, causing a narrower than usual path for pedestrian traffic. This is NOT an excuse to 1) have a conversation with your foreign friend where you lazily stroll next to each other discussing some inane topic in an indecipherable accent, or 2) stop abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk to check your blackberry as if an email you are expecting holds the key to saving the world. Due to the increased amount of snow, which I do not feel like trampling through, such activities make walking much slower and more aggravating than it needs to be. Please keep up with the flow of traffic. And if you feel the need to walk slowly, please do so in as unobtrusive a manner as possible. Also, homeless people, it is cold. I don't feel like taking my gloves off to fish through my pockets for change. Call me cold-hearted, but it's true. (In my defense, I gave a homeless guy change outside of CVS on Sunday. That was nice of me.)

Today was one of those days where we just got a dozen due dates thrown at us. It ended up being a bit overwhelming. I made good use of a free stress ball that was randomly being offered at school. Motions, make-up classes, oral arguments - ahhhh! The best stress reliever ended up being going for a run this evening. Of course the problem is that the run energized me, but I've been having trouble sleeping. However, if I hadn't gone for the run, I probably would have trouble sleeping because of the amount of things on my plate. This is a classic damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. All I can tell you is sleeping tonight will be rough, and such situations suck. To Nyquil, or not to Nyquil, that is the question.

I am converting other people to the cult of hating my Torts professor. He isn't helping his own cause. The Kool-Aid that I never drank is wearing off of everyone else. People have started calling the registrar's office complaining, asking when we might expect to receive our grades and just how far past the deadline he is. If I have time tomorrow I may lodge a complaint with the Dean of Students. Just for funsies. Time to show that lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, (many other negative adjectives) doo doo head (by order of the censor) who is boss. When he finds out who is boss, I'd like to know too. I have some other matters I'd like to discuss.

1 comment:


    This is what came into my head when I finished reading your post. I hope it involves as much nostalgia for you as it did for me.
