Snowpocalypse/Snowmaggedon isn't so bad. Sure we have around 18 inches of snow. Sure most people can't drive. But some things are open. My memo is virtually done. And, most fun, there was a
huge snowball fight in Dupont Circle this afternoon. It was organized by facebook and twitter (not that I know anything about twitter), and thousands of people showed up. There were basically three tiers of snowball fighters. First was the people right around the statue in the middle of the circle. Second was the people on the perimeter of the circle, enclosed by benches. And third was the people outside of the benches who were being wussies, just lobbing it into crowds or hitting people in the second tier in the back (that happened to me a lot). There were so many people it was virtually impossible to miss hitting someone. Faces were clearly being targeted. But I didn't see anyone getting legitimately injured. So it was all good, clean, ballsy fun. There was little rhyme or reason to how people got hit. Generally it went like this: someone next to you goes "Hit that guy in the red hat!" And then everyone near him starts targeting that person. Or you threw at people wearing bright colors. Or the guy with the flag. Or someone just because you didn't like the look of him. Arbitrary, harmless violence! Fantastic. There are tons of photos all over the internet, and it made the news. Even the New York Times (the real news)!
Let me see if I can figure out how to post an emblematic picture here... hrmmmmm. Hope that works. First picture ever!

After the fight I went with a few people to my friend's apartment. She has a fireplace (!) and we used it to make s'mores. Of course we didn't have sticks, so we used tin foil to hold the marshmallows in the fire. If I get a weird disease, I'm blaming that.
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