I guess all that not having school caught up with me. I got sick this weekend, just in time for Eva's visit. Nothing too bad, just a cold. Saturday I was pretty much designated to bed. Sunday I felt a bit better. Today even better, though still not 100% yet. Of course I had the brilliant idea to work out today. After some weights and 15 minutes on the treadmill I felt like I wanted to vomit and die. I didn't. Ignoring your body's protests because you feel like a fat, lazy piece of crap, now that's what I call going rogue!
It was great to have one class on Friday. Property. Contracts was canceled Friday because my professor was at a conference. 1 out of 14 scheduled classes for the week. And my professor was 15 minutes late to class because of weather-related traffic. Good ratios. It'll be interesting to jump back into a full week of classes after that. Also, it's great to see that after a week of nothing, my Torts professor from last semester still has not managed to get us our grades yet. It has been 2 full months now. But why rush? People don't need to use their GPA for anything like applying to jobs.
Having one class on Friday clearly did not stop people from going out on Thursday. There was a concert by some law school bands with horrible law-pun names (Restatement of Rock and Motion to Quash). They were cover bands, and the entire affair was generally fun, though it definitely had the flavor of a high school battle of the bands. Afterward bar review was next door, at a gay sports bar called "Nellie's." The name should have tipped us off. But the dudes making out all over the place was a dead giveaway. A gay sports bar?
In Olympic news, I don't care that much about the winter olympics. I hear Canada messed up the opening ceremonies pretty badly. Eh? And Celine Dion wasn't there. Epic fail. I am not the biggest figure skating fan, particularly not couples figure skating where all of the women look like drag queens in P-Town combined with Las Vegas hookers and the men look like they are in gay sailor costumes designed by a blind fourth grade girl who will never sit at the popular table - not even out of pity for being blind. Come to think of it, if they ever really lose steam, I'd like to see a mash up of fashion week and the winter games. Just to see what they come up with. I'm sure they could find a network to broadcast that - Tool Academy has a second season - how bad could my idea be?
Also, in speed skating they never look like they are actually trying and it pisses me off. They keep their hands behind their backs; it's aerodynamic. Forget that. Pump those arms. Work. Sweat, cry, bleed. This is the friggin' olympics, not Sunday afternoon at the ice rink. I want to know you are trying to earn that medal with everything you've got. Skate like a fresh apple pie is just out of your grasp. (Substitute whatever ethnic food is appropriate for non-American competitors there. For Canadians I guess it is cheap prescription drugs. For Tibet-ians it is freedom - psyche! Plus they don't have an Olympic team.)
I've had "Thunder Road" stuck in my head since Thursday. What a good song.
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