I'd like to call it the last day of classes, but I guess I do have Public Interest Lawyering tomorrow night. That's barely a class. So today was the last day of "real" classes. And we just give applause to any professor on the last day of class these days. Even my Evidence professor, who was useless all semester. Today's class period was dominated by reviewing a practice test, only we didn't get through the test because my classmates were busy asking redundant questions or coming up with crazy hypothetical facts that were never implicated in the question. I thought the practice test was fairly straightforward. I'm not saying I would have aced it, but I would have done pretty well for the minimal amount of studying I have put in to date. Don't worry, I'll study more before the actual test. But I am relieved to see my classmates blundering so badly. Remember, grades are on a curve. Oh the joys of pointless law school competition.
This evening my Evidence professor emailed the class saying that he would be out of the country for the next two weeks and good luck on the test. The "suckers" was implied.
I had the pleasure of finishing my second Antitrust outline today. One is historical, one is by issue. I think I'll need both. And I have about 75 cases to remember. No big deal. This is what I get from the one class I liked this semester. It's a busy study period.
I don't really get what was going on with Crosby, Stills and Nash. And Young? What's the deal?
I went with Giri and Dan to get lunch at a group of food trucks today. The first one we approached had a lot of options - like ten different things. I was about to order some sort of chicken wrap when the guy in the truck informed me that all they had left was Chicken Bahn Mi and Lamb on Rice. Giri ordered the lamb, and that was the last lamb on rice they had. Dude, why is your truck still here? Go home and restock. You can't give me ten options to ogle and then only have one. Especially while there are at least two other trucks right there. Competition fail. I clearly went to another truck. Even if I wanted chicken bahn mi, my sense of propriety was so offended. You should have at least a third of your menu.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Welcome To Finals
Thanksgiving came and went. It was nice to get away from school and DC for a bit, but the brief vacation left me wanting more. For the third straight year, my mom and I went to a weird family thing in upstate New York. It's at a "mountain house," which is fun if you like group hiking trips and fresh mountain air. But I don't. I mean, the air is fine. But I'd prefer other activities. Like sleeping and shooting apples off of people's heads. Someone did that once to his son. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
My room was on the hallway outside the dining room, so every morning I got to hear stupid little kids screaming before and after breakfast. And their parents: "Billy knows all of the presidents. Billy, whose picture is that? No, that's Herbert Hoover. He was president." Apparently Billy does not know all the presidents. Now get to breakfast and stop hanging out in the hall outside my room. It's before 9 AM, have some respect.
Actual Thanksgiving was served at noon. A tradition I am not the biggest fan of. But the food was good. And Alan Alda was there. Not a joke. He actually goes there for Thanksgiving each year (and I bet he loves it when people yell "Hey Hawkeye!!!"). I also got to play Settlers of Catan with some cousins, so that was good.
Then I got about a day and a half at home. Not enough time. I didn't get to see nearly enough people. I was split between working and relaxing and got to do neither properly. So here I am back in DC. And now it's time to suit up. Or...outline up. Due to a lapse of judgment, or an attitude of ambivalence, I didn't realize when my finals were. Turns out they are scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday. That's pretty close, so it's business time.
The bad news is: I don't know Evidence and I have a long way to go in Antitrust. The good news is: most 3Ls are even lazier than me and even more behind in finals preparations. The best news is: these are my last fall semester finals and the last time that finals will interfere with my birthday. In a theme that will probably be repeated on this blog: I cannot wait to be done with law school.
The drive down to DC from Boston took a good long time. Thanks for driving, Nakul! Aside from spending half the drive in Jersey, the most exciting thing that happened was being right behind a police bust. As we were driving through Connecticut, four police cars stopped traffic, pulled over a truck, and approached it with weapons drawn. Hey now, that's something you don't see every day. We were front row for a potential firefight. Think I'm exaggerating? Check out this huge gun one dude had.

Yeah, that's what I thought. What was going on?? My guess was a drug bust, but you really never know. Luckily, the men in the truck went peacefully. Front row is good for cirque du soleil, but not a gun battle.
Photo courtesy of my iPhone. Yeah, it's nice to have a phone that takes pictures, not to mention one that I can actually hear.
My room was on the hallway outside the dining room, so every morning I got to hear stupid little kids screaming before and after breakfast. And their parents: "Billy knows all of the presidents. Billy, whose picture is that? No, that's Herbert Hoover. He was president." Apparently Billy does not know all the presidents. Now get to breakfast and stop hanging out in the hall outside my room. It's before 9 AM, have some respect.
Actual Thanksgiving was served at noon. A tradition I am not the biggest fan of. But the food was good. And Alan Alda was there. Not a joke. He actually goes there for Thanksgiving each year (and I bet he loves it when people yell "Hey Hawkeye!!!"). I also got to play Settlers of Catan with some cousins, so that was good.
Then I got about a day and a half at home. Not enough time. I didn't get to see nearly enough people. I was split between working and relaxing and got to do neither properly. So here I am back in DC. And now it's time to suit up. Or...outline up. Due to a lapse of judgment, or an attitude of ambivalence, I didn't realize when my finals were. Turns out they are scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday. That's pretty close, so it's business time.
The bad news is: I don't know Evidence and I have a long way to go in Antitrust. The good news is: most 3Ls are even lazier than me and even more behind in finals preparations. The best news is: these are my last fall semester finals and the last time that finals will interfere with my birthday. In a theme that will probably be repeated on this blog: I cannot wait to be done with law school.
The drive down to DC from Boston took a good long time. Thanks for driving, Nakul! Aside from spending half the drive in Jersey, the most exciting thing that happened was being right behind a police bust. As we were driving through Connecticut, four police cars stopped traffic, pulled over a truck, and approached it with weapons drawn. Hey now, that's something you don't see every day. We were front row for a potential firefight. Think I'm exaggerating? Check out this huge gun one dude had.

Yeah, that's what I thought. What was going on?? My guess was a drug bust, but you really never know. Luckily, the men in the truck went peacefully. Front row is good for cirque du soleil, but not a gun battle.
Photo courtesy of my iPhone. Yeah, it's nice to have a phone that takes pictures, not to mention one that I can actually hear.
fire fight,
new jersey,
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Russia House
Last night I got accidental drunk. I blame lack of lunch and full dinner. Plus strong ginger cocktails made it a potent mix. Alena, Kerry, and I met up with people at a bar called Russia House. It was...very Russian. When we got there we were looking for our friends. They weren't on the first floor. On the second floor, we were stopped by a big Russian man who asked us in a thick Russian accent what we were doing there. Oh hey, KGB, we're just looking for our friends. (In a thick accent:) "Not this level. This is private party." He was scary, but correct - the people we were looking for were upstairs. Russian beer really wasn't bad at all. And I may or may not have had a martini that was just sitting on a table for like fifteen minutes with no owner. Whatever, I wasn't roofied. Just drunk enough to get jumbo slice pizza. Best choice. It almost made up for my lack of dinner. But then today I was the type of hung-over where you just want to eat all day. There is a hole in my stomach.
Ugh, I need sleep. One day of class to get through before vacation. Only two more classes. Just gotta keep thinking that.
At least I got my Evidence outline pretty much finished today. It shows me how little I learned in Evidence. Great choices.
Why is hummus so good? It's just fantastic.
Ugh, I need sleep. One day of class to get through before vacation. Only two more classes. Just gotta keep thinking that.
At least I got my Evidence outline pretty much finished today. It shows me how little I learned in Evidence. Great choices.
Why is hummus so good? It's just fantastic.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Viking Funerals
So work today was actually really cool. I randomly tagged along to a meeting which was two hours long, but fascinating. A couple of companies came in to complain about another company whose entire business model (if they are telling the truth) was basically quasi-legal extortion. It was like listening to them tell a cowboy story of antitrust law. Or a mobster antitrust firm. Pretty cool stuff. Unfortunately there did not seem to be a cognizable antitrust claim, although the SEC, the IRS, and the US Attorney's Office all probably have some things to say.
I'm going to write the next Sin City, antitrust law style. Sounds thrilling, right?
My handle of whiskey is dead. Viking funeral. Were I still in college, the funeral would be in Masel. And would look a lot like littering.
Can't it just be Thanksgiving???
Yesterday, I let Kerry talk me into frozen yogurt for dinner. It was like the childhood dream. Only I realized how bad of an idea that was. Then I got mad at myself for ruining my own childhood dream. Plus, I'm sure Michelle Obama is not happy about my choice. Sasha and Malia are never allowed to have froyo dinner.
What if it was spinach flavored froyo?
Then it would be gross. Oh, right.
On the topic of food, today's lunch was at a place that just opened in Chinatown called Meatballs. It's big attraction is that it talks about balls a lot. I'm serious, I'm not being immature. On the wall is a sign that says Meatballs, only meat is in tiny font and the letters in balls are about a foot tall. That sign was probably the best part about the place too. I tried their chicken balls (aka meatballs made from ground chicken), and thought I was going to get sick they were so undercooked.
Color me surprised.
I'm going to write the next Sin City, antitrust law style. Sounds thrilling, right?
My handle of whiskey is dead. Viking funeral. Were I still in college, the funeral would be in Masel. And would look a lot like littering.
Can't it just be Thanksgiving???
Yesterday, I let Kerry talk me into frozen yogurt for dinner. It was like the childhood dream. Only I realized how bad of an idea that was. Then I got mad at myself for ruining my own childhood dream. Plus, I'm sure Michelle Obama is not happy about my choice. Sasha and Malia are never allowed to have froyo dinner.
What if it was spinach flavored froyo?
Then it would be gross. Oh, right.
On the topic of food, today's lunch was at a place that just opened in Chinatown called Meatballs. It's big attraction is that it talks about balls a lot. I'm serious, I'm not being immature. On the wall is a sign that says Meatballs, only meat is in tiny font and the letters in balls are about a foot tall. That sign was probably the best part about the place too. I tried their chicken balls (aka meatballs made from ground chicken), and thought I was going to get sick they were so undercooked.
Color me surprised.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Part
Sugary cereal is the best! Especially as dessert. I'm doing the Trader Joe's equivalent of Frosted Flakes. Mmmm poverty cereal (as my roommate calls it).
I started outlining for my Evidence final. I'm using a hornbook. It is approximately 7.5 times as good as my professor at explaining the material. So teaching evidence to myself is working out well so far, but it makes me wonder why I spend money on tuition when I could use a $30 book just as well for this class. The sole relevant thing my professor said during our 55 minute class today was "Physical objects are not protected by attorney client privilege." The other 54 minutes were taken up by him tangentially discussing ways that lawyers can become an accessory after the fact to a crime and end up spending some quality time in prison with their client.
Basically, I really want Thanksgiving break to come. Motivation is slipping away.
Though I am realizing that this is my last year of school. Ever. 19th grade is coming to an end, and there is no 20th. (Thank goodness!) So next semester I plan on enjoying myself. Easy schedule, time to hang out and to travel a bit. I'll probably pass/fail a class and not care very much about any of the others either. What's the name for this? Senioritis? 3L-itis just isn't as catchy.
iPhone! The future is now!
Except it took me almost a week to learn how to set up my voicemail. Would it absolutely kill Apple to send me a user manual? It's hard enough for me, I can only imagine how much less intuitive it is for someone of an older generation! I have sympathy! Or maybe I just feel old. Not "hip" and "with it." I don't know what the kids are listening to these days or how to use their new fancy phones.
I got a hair cut today and the lady cutting my hair just gave me a part without my asking. Bam, there it was. She said it looked nice - but I'm not sure how keen I am on it. But I didn't want to offend her, so I kept the part. Until I went to the gym and showered. But now my hair seems to want to part itself. It was easily suggestible, apparently. On one hand my hair does not cooperate. On the other hand, at least I'm not Medusa. Her hair would have been a real pain. And I bet she had to go to Animal Control to even get a trim.
J. Edgar Hoover was a real bastard. The movie was a'ight. Not my favorite, but not bad. I'm not sure it showed just how much of a bad guy he was. Though it was certainly not a positive portrayal.
How do I get better at Settlers of Catan? Suggestions?
I started outlining for my Evidence final. I'm using a hornbook. It is approximately 7.5 times as good as my professor at explaining the material. So teaching evidence to myself is working out well so far, but it makes me wonder why I spend money on tuition when I could use a $30 book just as well for this class. The sole relevant thing my professor said during our 55 minute class today was "Physical objects are not protected by attorney client privilege." The other 54 minutes were taken up by him tangentially discussing ways that lawyers can become an accessory after the fact to a crime and end up spending some quality time in prison with their client.
Basically, I really want Thanksgiving break to come. Motivation is slipping away.
Though I am realizing that this is my last year of school. Ever. 19th grade is coming to an end, and there is no 20th. (Thank goodness!) So next semester I plan on enjoying myself. Easy schedule, time to hang out and to travel a bit. I'll probably pass/fail a class and not care very much about any of the others either. What's the name for this? Senioritis? 3L-itis just isn't as catchy.
iPhone! The future is now!
Except it took me almost a week to learn how to set up my voicemail. Would it absolutely kill Apple to send me a user manual? It's hard enough for me, I can only imagine how much less intuitive it is for someone of an older generation! I have sympathy! Or maybe I just feel old. Not "hip" and "with it." I don't know what the kids are listening to these days or how to use their new fancy phones.
I got a hair cut today and the lady cutting my hair just gave me a part without my asking. Bam, there it was. She said it looked nice - but I'm not sure how keen I am on it. But I didn't want to offend her, so I kept the part. Until I went to the gym and showered. But now my hair seems to want to part itself. It was easily suggestible, apparently. On one hand my hair does not cooperate. On the other hand, at least I'm not Medusa. Her hair would have been a real pain. And I bet she had to go to Animal Control to even get a trim.
J. Edgar Hoover was a real bastard. The movie was a'ight. Not my favorite, but not bad. I'm not sure it showed just how much of a bad guy he was. Though it was certainly not a positive portrayal.
How do I get better at Settlers of Catan? Suggestions?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Non-Phone Things
Yesterday in Evidence a student fainted. He regained consciousness and was alright, don't worry. But it was...jarring. I felt so bad for him. Someone called 911 and an ambulance came. The paramedic had him step outside (he came back in). It must have been super embarrassing. (Also embarrassing - I can't spell embarrassing without a spellchecker.) It was one of the worst ways to lose 10 minutes of class I have ever experienced. I would have far preferred to listen to my professor.
Today I also came across a 2-minute old car accident. I jogged to Safeway to get cranberry sauce and when I came back there was a car in the middle of the road that had just been hit. I missed the exciting part. But what is going on around me this week? The cranberry sauce was used to make a delicious sauce to go with pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes. Delicious. The taste was clearly not marred by the perilous circumstances of the cranberry sauce's acquisition.
Somehow this week I am actually paying attention in classes. Even in Professional Responsibility, which is silly because the MPRE is over. By the way, the MPRE went "meh who knows." As Ron put it, it's the kind of test where you walk out feeling like you failed, but then you pass. I did the first part, I haven't learned about the second part. The first question (of 60) was the juiciest (it wasn't very juicy), about sexual relations with a client. And there was no "good answer," only a "best answer." It isn't good to have an "Oh crap, I don't know" question as your first one. Not a good tone for the rest of the exam. I took the MPRE at American's law school. Across the street they have a Crate & Barrel with a Starbucks inside. I could wait for my latte while shopping for plates. It was the most bourgeois thing ever. It could also be right out of a "Stuff White People Like" post. Hilarious.
After the MPRE, I started reading Game of Thrones again. It is getting crazy. And hard to put down. It was a good call to stop reading when I did.
If you are wondering, the Jay-Z/Kanye West concert was awesome. Jay-Z was better live. He sounds as good, if not better than he does on album. Kanye sounds fine, but his songs have a tendency to be so produced that it just isn't the same live. And he isn't as fast (maybe because he isn't a "real" rapper). They played a lot of stuff from Watch the Throne, and most of their individual hits. I can only think of two Kanye hits they didn't play - Love Lockdown and Through the Wire. But Jesus Walks and Good Life were fantastic live. As were Hard Knock Life, 99 Problems, and Dirt Off Your Should from Jay-Z. It's alright to be jealous in this case. I owe Damien for getting the tickets.
It's time to face the reality that I don't know how iPhones work. Oh, but I said non-phone stuff.
You know whose music is totally unappreciated by my generation? Arlo Guthrie. But he's the man. Huge Alice's Restaurant fan (Thanksgiving tradition to listen to it).
Damn it. I just missed Top Chef.
Does anyone know how to use this damn thing? I feel old - technology is now beyond me. Oh, but not talking about it.
Instead we'll talk about...brunch. The best meal of it week. Really! It's a once-a-week kind of meal. Especially with bottomless mimosas. But it's the best meal. I pretty much discovered that upon moving to DC. They just don't do it the same way in Boston. Stupid Puritan laws. In my youth they still had Sunday Blue Laws! What is that??!! Let the people shop on Sundays. Let them have drink specials! If you were real puritans, you would just insist they run around in those silly buckle hats. I'd be down.
Today I also came across a 2-minute old car accident. I jogged to Safeway to get cranberry sauce and when I came back there was a car in the middle of the road that had just been hit. I missed the exciting part. But what is going on around me this week? The cranberry sauce was used to make a delicious sauce to go with pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes. Delicious. The taste was clearly not marred by the perilous circumstances of the cranberry sauce's acquisition.
Somehow this week I am actually paying attention in classes. Even in Professional Responsibility, which is silly because the MPRE is over. By the way, the MPRE went "meh who knows." As Ron put it, it's the kind of test where you walk out feeling like you failed, but then you pass. I did the first part, I haven't learned about the second part. The first question (of 60) was the juiciest (it wasn't very juicy), about sexual relations with a client. And there was no "good answer," only a "best answer." It isn't good to have an "Oh crap, I don't know" question as your first one. Not a good tone for the rest of the exam. I took the MPRE at American's law school. Across the street they have a Crate & Barrel with a Starbucks inside. I could wait for my latte while shopping for plates. It was the most bourgeois thing ever. It could also be right out of a "Stuff White People Like" post. Hilarious.
After the MPRE, I started reading Game of Thrones again. It is getting crazy. And hard to put down. It was a good call to stop reading when I did.
If you are wondering, the Jay-Z/Kanye West concert was awesome. Jay-Z was better live. He sounds as good, if not better than he does on album. Kanye sounds fine, but his songs have a tendency to be so produced that it just isn't the same live. And he isn't as fast (maybe because he isn't a "real" rapper). They played a lot of stuff from Watch the Throne, and most of their individual hits. I can only think of two Kanye hits they didn't play - Love Lockdown and Through the Wire. But Jesus Walks and Good Life were fantastic live. As were Hard Knock Life, 99 Problems, and Dirt Off Your Should from Jay-Z. It's alright to be jealous in this case. I owe Damien for getting the tickets.
It's time to face the reality that I don't know how iPhones work. Oh, but I said non-phone stuff.
You know whose music is totally unappreciated by my generation? Arlo Guthrie. But he's the man. Huge Alice's Restaurant fan (Thanksgiving tradition to listen to it).
Damn it. I just missed Top Chef.
Does anyone know how to use this damn thing? I feel old - technology is now beyond me. Oh, but not talking about it.
Instead we'll talk about...brunch. The best meal of it week. Really! It's a once-a-week kind of meal. Especially with bottomless mimosas. But it's the best meal. I pretty much discovered that upon moving to DC. They just don't do it the same way in Boston. Stupid Puritan laws. In my youth they still had Sunday Blue Laws! What is that??!! Let the people shop on Sundays. Let them have drink specials! If you were real puritans, you would just insist they run around in those silly buckle hats. I'd be down.
kanye west
Goodbye Old Phone
Goodbye Old Phone, you served me well. Better than I could have asked for from any phone. I got you in March of 2007. You held up great. You still work...sort of. But it is quite hard to hear on your handset. And your camera does not work. And I have to rubber band your charger in. And your battery life is rapidly diminishing. But enough of the flaws. I'm getting emotional. Let us celebrate the time we had together. You were fantastic. However, it is time that I join the modern age of cell phones. Welcome to my life, iPhone. Please do not consume my too much of my time. Let me remember what it is like to be a person outside of technology as well. Let me people watch on the metro rather than just sit and play Angry Birds.
Goodbye, Old Phone. You will be severely missed.
Onto my fourth phone ever. Numbers one and two were Nokia bricks. Number three was my trusty Sony Ericsson. May number four, the iPhone 4S serve me well. And may Siri not give me too much attitude.
Goodbye, Old Phone. You will be severely missed.
Onto my fourth phone ever. Numbers one and two were Nokia bricks. Number three was my trusty Sony Ericsson. May number four, the iPhone 4S serve me well. And may Siri not give me too much attitude.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
New Phone - iPhone...soon
In a shocking development, I am getting the new iPhone. Mostly so I can harass Siri, the computer-programmed personal assistant. I have so many questions to ask her. The phone will get here in 3-4 weeks. That's nothing; I've had my current phone for about five years. What's another few weeks? While the iPhone isn't "necessary," they don't make good non-smart phones anymore. And I really need a phone where I can 1) hear, and 2) charge it without having to rubber band the charger into place. Oh I'll miss my ghetto phone so. But change is inevitable. I hope this time it really is change we can believe in.
This weekend, everyone was equivocating about Halloween plans, so I decided to make some of my own. I hosted a get together that was organized at least 8 hours in advance. A small Indian man delivered beer for me with a hand truck, and the fixin's for apple pie shots were arranged (rum, apple cider, and cinnamon). Between those two things, you know it was a good time. Plus Kerry baked destructively delicious peanut butter, chocolate rice crispies treats and pumpkin blondies.
Perhaps the most impressive was that my roommate and I actually decorated. And by decorated, I mean bought Halloween-themed Christmas lights (confusing holiday mash up) and then waited for people with better sense to tell us where to hang them.
The MPRE is Saturday. It's an exam on lawyer ethics, which is hilarious in itself. For many states, you need to get an 85 or higher to pass. So when I took my first practice test today and got a decent amount of questions wrong, I was worried. There are only 50 questions, so I didn't feel like I had a lot of room for error. Then I learned that 85 is not a percentage correct. It's just a number somewhere on the curve that the test is graded on. Rather than requiring like 42/50 correct, I only need around 35. See how ethical lawyers have to be? Ethical enough to misrepresent how ethical we have to be.
I see too many wet paint signs, and I feel like dry paint is underrepresented and under appreciated. I am going to start hanging up dry paint signs. Just to let people know it's there.
This weekend, everyone was equivocating about Halloween plans, so I decided to make some of my own. I hosted a get together that was organized at least 8 hours in advance. A small Indian man delivered beer for me with a hand truck, and the fixin's for apple pie shots were arranged (rum, apple cider, and cinnamon). Between those two things, you know it was a good time. Plus Kerry baked destructively delicious peanut butter, chocolate rice crispies treats and pumpkin blondies.
Perhaps the most impressive was that my roommate and I actually decorated. And by decorated, I mean bought Halloween-themed Christmas lights (confusing holiday mash up) and then waited for people with better sense to tell us where to hang them.
The MPRE is Saturday. It's an exam on lawyer ethics, which is hilarious in itself. For many states, you need to get an 85 or higher to pass. So when I took my first practice test today and got a decent amount of questions wrong, I was worried. There are only 50 questions, so I didn't feel like I had a lot of room for error. Then I learned that 85 is not a percentage correct. It's just a number somewhere on the curve that the test is graded on. Rather than requiring like 42/50 correct, I only need around 35. See how ethical lawyers have to be? Ethical enough to misrepresent how ethical we have to be.
I see too many wet paint signs, and I feel like dry paint is underrepresented and under appreciated. I am going to start hanging up dry paint signs. Just to let people know it's there.
professional responsibility
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