First final, Con Law, is tomorrow. I've basically been spending all of my time studying or eating. As such, it felt good to work out today after deciding around 5:30 that I was done studying for the night. Nothing else will come of it. I know all I'm going to know, now I need a night's sleep. And some knowledge of Con Law. Oh well. Of course today started off with a review session with my professor, during which a girl had to be told that there must be a relevant treaty in order for Congress to use the treaty power, and a war for Congress to use the war power. Even if I didn't go to law school I would have known that. Sometimes people need to pause, use a little common sense, and then plunge their head into a bucket of ice water. Lots of people left the review session feeling better due to some of the stupid questions that were asked. Kinda makes me hope that my questions were idiotic...but I'm decently sure they were not - for one thing I'm aware that the treaty power requires a treaty.
Yesterday brought me goodness at lunch in the form of 5 dollars, 12 inches, and 1 meatball marinara sandwich from Subway. It felt good going down. However, the rest of the day wasn't as delightful. Dammit Subway! Then again, it could have been something caffeine. 2 large cups of coffee and a gigantic cup of Diet Coke. I'm lucky my heart didn't explode. Or my brain from all that book learnin' I wuz doin'.
A word about finals, particularly while being graded on a curve. I am not super competitive about the whole thing. I don't care that much about grades; I don't think they reflect that much or matter that much; I also think that amount of studying does not have a strong relationship to performance on the exam - it really comes down to how well you operate in those 3 hours as long as you know the material. But I am not alright with sitting in a room "studying" with eight people, some of whom are watching youtube videos, and explaining to them a basic power of Congress that was explained in the review session literally an hour before and was explained in cases we read and in lecture multiple times. That is not how I want to spend my day before a final. That doesn't make me a bad person or a bad friend, it just makes me the same as everyone else, if slightly better prepared at that moment. Unsurprisingly, this was not a mere hypothetical situation, but something that actually occurred today. Luckily, we got kicked out of that room by a faculty meeting and I relocated to a spot in the library where I could do a practice test without interruption. My recommendation to everyone who is not prepared: turn off gchat and get off facebook when you are studying, and studying will become a lot easier and less time-consuming.
That was what we call venting. Not in the way Coors Light uses the term. Thankfully. Damn those commercials were dumb.
Someone recommended that I run on the treadmill on a slight incline. Wow that was painful advice for my knee, shin, and quad. Why is being healthy so hard? What if pizza was as healthy as a salad? That's the parallel universe I want to live in. Where chicken ceasar wraps count as a serving of fruit, cheeseburgers count as vegetables, and beer is an acceptable grain for daily consumption - even in the morning.
The Red Sox need to do something in order to stop sucking. I'm sorry, but this has been pathetic. They lost 4 times in 3 days without having a double header. Come on!
Jesus. In English, it involves Christianity. In Spanish, it involves conjuring the Greek god of thunder. Conundrum.
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