It was a very baseball weekend. Saturday Rebecca and I went to Nationals Stadium to see the Nats play an exhibition game against the Red Sox. We just took the metro to the stadium, went to a ticket kiosk, swiped a credit card, and walked in. Wow - that's a whole new concept to me. Being able to get reasonably priced tickets the day of the game? That...that never happens for Red Sox games. It's a whole new paradigm of baseball.
Also notable about the game, there were probably just as many, if not more, people sporting Red Sox gear than Nationals gear. It was ridiculous. Literally everyone who got off the metro with us was wearing Sox hats and jerseys. It was like being on the T getting off at Fenway, only the walk was shorter, the public transportation was cleaner, and everyone was more polite. I felt like starting a "Yankees Suck" cheer just for old times.
Red Sox clearly won. We got to see Wakefield start the game (they helped him stand up without his walker) and the starting lineup go through a couple of times. Youk hit a home run, Drew hit a home run, and, most importantly, Julio Lugo doesn't play for us any more. Thankfully. Also got to see Lowell and Tek hit. The Red Sox have been raiding the old folks home. Since I'm going to be a Nats fan, it was good to see them too. I love Ryan Zimmerman and Ian Desmond. Of course, the Nats still suck so it was rough times for them. But they will not be the worst team in baseball this year! I think that honor will go to the Blue Jays or the Astros.
Then last night was opening day - Yankees vs. Red Sox. I went to a bar to watch the game opposite Reza, who was rooting for the Evil Empire (that's right, he's a communist). We were joined by a number of people who don't care much about baseball, including Tracy who only watches tennis. I told her to go back to Westchester and reexamine her life. After a good game, and some slow reflexes by the ancient/ugly Jorge Posada the good guys won; the bad guys lost; all was right with the world; and it is at last baseball season again!
In honor of baseball season, my projections really quickly. We'll see how this goes.
AL: Yankees, Twins, Mariners, Red Sox (wildcard)
NL: Phillies, Cardinals, Rockies, Braves (wildcard)
World Series: (loyalty pick) Red Sox over Phillies; (real pick) Yankees over Phillies
Stupidest Baseball Team: Astros
ROYs: Heyward (NL) and Matsuz (AL)
Cy Youngs: Halladay (NL) and Felix Hernandez (NL)
MVPs, traditional thinking: Pujols (NL) and Longoria (AL)
MVPs, out on a limb: Votto (NL) and B.J. Upton (AL)
Now that baseball is out of the way...there isn't much else.
Who has time on their hands to protest scientology? There are those people in the Guy Fawkes masks that stand outside protesting it. I mean, sure it's silly and probably a huge fraudulent scheme, but why not let people dumb enough to buy into it just go for it? What exactly are they protesting out there? Making bad ideas? If that's the case, why not protest tequila - always a bad idea. Or building a city on a swamp (DC) - that was a bad idea too.
I get to eat bread and drink beer tomorrow night! You don't know how good you have it until it is taken away. I will be thankful for my newly returned abilities...for at least a week. More if I remember, but I've got a lot on my plate to memorize for finals.
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