7 am wake up today to help out with the First Year Moot Court Competition. I am exhausted, and this will be brief.
Tonight I had the most satisfying drink of apple juice of my life. I realized that virtually all of what I drink is water or contains caffeine or alcohol. I am recommitting myself to non-drugged, flavored beverages. Thank you, Nantucket Nectars.
Red Sox just lost their first three games of the season. Alright...this is bad. We have to pull together boys.
You know who hasn't made a movie in a while? Osama bin Laden. Him and Mel Gibson are two people I am completely fine with retiring from their movie careers.
I still do not care about college basketball. Go UConn. I guess?
Do you think that there is actually a difference between like Lubriderm and Lubriderm Men? Or is it really just going to be the packaging?
5 Hour Energy is the silliest product. And I object to their advertising.
Note will be handed in tomorrow. Wham bam thank you ma'am. In the words of that stupid "Friday" song: "We so excited."
ha. I'm loving this post.