For some reason discussing abortion in any context brings out the absolute worst in people. Today in Con Law it brought out the worst in gunners. We were discussing Roe v. Wade. (At the beginning of class I turned around and desperately asked the girl behind me what the case was about. Thankfully, she understood my sarcasm.) After discussing the legal reasoning behind the case and talking about how it fits into substantive due process jurisprudence, my professor opened up the floor a bit and started asking questions. Cue the crazies. First, one kid pontificated on the personal politics of the nine Supreme Court justices. We all know and no one wants to hear it. Shut up. Then, in response to a hypothetical designed to tease out our thoughts about the inherent conflict between the right to life and the right to autonomy, a classmate of mine offered a counter-hypothetical: "What if they ground up the babies into a powder and fed it to the mothers which would enhance their lives for 18 years." That's when I sat up straight in my chair and looked around with my mouth hanging open to see who else realized that this was the craziest thing ever. It was a "Did that just actually happen???" moment. Even if I explained the full context here it wouldn't make a difference. That's just a ridiculous thing to say. It almost makes me miss Racist-Civ-Pro kid.
This evening I had an Alternative Dispute Resolution Board meeting. It was a waste of an hour of my life. This comes a whole day after being asked about ADR Board at an interview and candidly expressing my feeling that it was a wholly arbitrary (and capricious) and largely useless membership. I was selected from a client counseling competition - how do you assign objective measure to how good a client counselor someone is? I guess there is a way...but the people who were judging certainly were no more trained than I. In retrospect I am not sure this was the best thing to say during an interview...maybe it's this kind of thing which prevents me from getting a job. Hope not! I still remain desperate and perhaps rethinking law school.
I keep getting distracted by nearby conversations during Boggle and losing to Reza. That's right, I blame the nearby conversations.
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