Monday, June 21, 2010

Pasta Cave

Today I played a minimal amount of Hearts at work. That was due to getting an assignment. Insert lively trumpet blast here. I'm not sure what it says that I am happy to be getting work to do. Anyways, my assignment was basically "Does this exist? I need to know by Wednesday." After nearly a full day of research, the short answer I've come up with is "no." The long answer is "no, I'm pretty sure it doesn't...there are moderately related things, but not really." I have to commit that to paper tomorrow. Maybe tighten it up and insert citations.
The problem with this assignment (again) is that I am searching for something that doesn't exist. My goal is either to find it, or to confirm that it does not actually exist. I am pretty sure that it doesn't exist, but I can't be certain. It's an unsettling feeling - like having mice/squirrels in your wall (the exterminator thinks it was chipmunks, which I'm alright with. I just can't bring myself to be afraid of a chipmunk. If it wants to be in my wall, let it), only if the other side finds something then we are a little screwed and I feel like a fool.

There is office politics at work! And I remain blissfully unaffected, while the other intern is kind of stuck in the middle of it, receiving work from both two feuding sides and being forced to prioritize. I get to sit there and watch the gladiatorial contest play out.

Annie Hall.

I am looking for summer drinks that are not beer, gin and tonic, or dark and stormy. Suggestions? Whiskey on the rocks just doesn't cut it when it's 90 out.

I don't understand people who think it is alright to stop and have a conversation right in front of the entrance to the escalator, or that the bottom of the stairway is a good place to relax and sit down. Be a tad more aware!

Ron pointed out today that it was illegal to brandish a gun in traffic. But I don't see a problem with merely displaying a sign saying "I have a gun. Don't honk or yell at me." As a law student, my professional opinion is that it's fine. It's a free country, right? In retrospect I should have just written that as the answer to every exam question.

Speaking of Ron, this is the second workday that we have unintentionally coordinated outfits. Hope that stops happening, because we look weird riding the elevator out of the parking garage together.
Also speaking of Ron, he wants a BMW to eat pasta in. A pasta cave, as I dubbed it. Why, Ron? Why do you want a pasta cave?


  1. sweet tea vodka & lemonade: a dirty palmer

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The New York Times has heeded your call:
