Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sorry about the bottom of this one

Today brought more people complaining about how they have to use their brains in Con Law. I am not impressed. Though I am impressed with the inventiveness of Congress to use the Interstate Commerce Clause to justify enforcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, if not extremely persuaded by their argument. Seems like a 14th Amendment issue. But that only applies to states, not private businesses. Oh, right. There's a possibility that the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional. Uh oh. Alright, I'm not actually that concerned. I don't think it's going anywhere. It's not like the Supreme Court has made any huge decisions recently that have been exactly wrong. Oh wait.

Speaking of the Citizens United decision, it was pointed out to me today that foreign businesses and even foreign government can now fund elections. That just doesn't seem like a) a good idea, or b) covered by the First Amendment.

I spent 11 hours at school today, and it's not finals. That's a bad sign. Luckily I got a lot done. But not enough. Still have a lot of my motion brief for LRW. Still have to send out applications until I get a job. Still have to solve the Middle East Conflict. One of those things was actually beyond the scope of what I need to do. No hints as to which one.

I am applying for a job with the New York Mets (in the legal department, though the way their team is shaping up they might have an opening for me in right field). That would be a baller job for the summer. "What did you do over the summer?" "I sat around a judge's chambers and was his whipping boy for 40 hours a week. But I improved my writing skills! How about you?" "Oh, just kicked it around Citi Field with the New York Mets." Writing skills vs. baseball. Baseball clearly wins every time. Though judging by this blog, maybe I could stand to improve my writing skills...damn my inarticulateness-ism-ed-ing-more suffixes.

As long as I'm being nerdy, I don't mind sharing that I am reading a book about important American Cold War era diplomats, and Dean Acheson is the man! Wow. That actually couldn't be nerdier. Unless I wrote a fantasy piece about Dean Acheson applying his experiences in the State Department to negotiate a secret treaty between Mordor and Gondor so that together they could rule Middle Earth. No. I'm totally done. Wow. That was too far. I'm actually tempted to delete this paragraph. But I'm not doing it because I love stream of conscious writing. It has something to do with my love of J.D. Salinger. It's complicated. Don't ask. Don't judge me. aaaaaaand scene.


  1. I like when you talk about Cold War era diplomats, for what it's worth.

  2. please write the dean acheson rpf.

