I'm pretty sure that law school is a large conspiracy to make 1L's as panicked as possible. That's why we get a writing assignment today that is due Friday right before our first midterm.
My perspective: it's a draft on a memo section and the midterm is a 1 hour test.
Other people's perspective: I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do and when I write I have to make actual decisions which may have consequences for my grade, and this midterm is my first test and I don't know how it's going to go and I don't know how well I know the material.
The big difference is that other people's perspective is a run on sentence.
But, I believe, we are expected to take the midterm on our computer. I've never taken an exam on a computer before. Back in my day we hand wrote papers and used computers for exams and sporcle.com. Not anymore. This ain't your grandfather's test. Your grandfather probably doesn't even know how to use the internet. Unless he's wicked hip. Hell, I realize that I barely know how to use the internet. I'm part of the last generation to remember the pre-internet dark ages. That's creepy. And internet isn't one of those things where you don't let your kid use it until they are in middle school, like a cell phone (I have a plan). My real trepidation with taking exams on my computer is that my K key has been acting up recently. So I may be turning in an exam talking about a lot of torkts, which I don't see going over too well. Already I've had to delete about 3 erroneous k's in this entry. But now I'm not sure if I'm just blaming the keyboard when the problem is actually my overzealous right middle finger.
This morning someone burned popcorn in the hall outside of my Torts class. I didn't even know there was a microwave up there, but apparently there is, and apparently someone needed popcorn before 10 am. Popcorn is absolutely not a morning food. I don't think it's an anytime food, but I am willing to concede that many people have a different opinion on that. Problem is that I loathe the smell of burnt popcorn. It kills me. In fact I skipped going to the bathroom before class because I would have had to walk through the smell. I eventually needed to go and held my breath the entire way.
My Criminal Law reading had a non-horrific crime as its subject for the first time in about 2 months. Yes, I was relieved to read about a guy who got caught with 138 balloons full of cocaine in his stomach at LAX. But it lead me to question how he fit them all. That's so many balloons to swallow and to subsequently expel from your body. Drug trafficking (from Columbia, way to stereotype textbook) does not seem like a fun occupation.
This evening I got to talk with one of Gavi's friends who did improv in college. It was fantastic to talk a little about improv. Of course she was a bit of a long form snob, but that's ok. I miss comedy...maybe I'll re-read Impro and it will make me feel like I'm doing improv. Starting an improv group at law school? Yes please. Well, I'm working on it. No one really wants to give me information on how to set it up. All I really need is the ability to print out and post fliers. Also, I should probably find a place to do it and decide on a structure for it. But this is all pending approval as a club. Like I said, I'm working on it. A little comedy is just what life needs.
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