In the interests of keeping this blog relatively free of blackmail material I'm not quite sure if I should write about Thursday night, but I'm doing it anyways. This was the night of the Halloween party at the club with the open bar. Open bars are perilous. Lesson The problem with the open bar is that there were always lines and because the drinks are free you might as well save time and get two. So every time I went to get a drink I got two drinks. If I had any foresight whatsoever I would have noticed this was going to be a problem. Good thing I had a couple of beers before I got to the bar, so my powers of foresight were diminished already. Long story short I had a good time hanging out with people, don't quite remember how I got home (there was a taxi that I ended up jetting from - don't quite remember the circumstances), and ended up with my own miniature version of "The Hangover" in my apartment the next morning. That is to say that there were some things that were just off. I woke up in a different shirt than the one I was wearing the night before, I had two full cups of water on my night table (why did I pour two?), and one of the plastic drawers I have in my closet was in the shower. I can't explain much of this. I woke up at 8 am, emailed my professor I was using one of our three free 'skips' for class, and went back to bed. I woke up again at noon, thought the clock was joking me, and somehow made it to my make up LRW class. The entire day my body could not get enough water to rehydrate itself no matter how much water I drank. It was ridiculous.
Last night I went to a networking happy hour with some lawyers who my friend knows from the FTC. (Note: I did not touch alcohol yesterday; the thought of it made me ill.) It was nice to see that there is something waiting in the future beyond law school, namely jobs that can be enjoyable. They all work for the government and love it. And they all hate big firms and say law school sucks. Good to get some encouragement from those who have come before. One woman who went to Harvard was especially vehement about law school sucking. It's nice to know that even the best and the brightest have the same issues as the rest of us little people.
When I was walking back from school the other day there was this guy waiting to cross the street right next to me. I couldn't help but notice he was wearing a "National Rifle Association: Member" leather coat. He was also holding an NRA bag. And had on an NRA hat. Gulp. What's the status of gun laws in the district? I wanted to ask the guy if he was packing heat. I also wanted to ask the guy if he was familiar with the clause in the Constitution that says "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state." But you don't really want to mouth off to NRA members...
You poured two glasses of water because you were still following your 2 drink policy from the Bar. Do I have to spell everything out for you?