Tomorrow is my last final. In 15 hours, I will be done with my penultimate semester of law school. All that stands in my way is Professional Responsibility. (I hope someone ironically gets thrown out of the exam for cheating.) I cannot wait to be done with over two weeks of constant studying or feeling like I should be studying. Not to mention being done with this crappy semester. Next semester I get to take classes I am interested in with good professors. This semester not so much.
Tomorrow afternoon there is a planned brunch at the bar closest to school. Then a much-deserved nap. The nap isn't group planned.
The Model Rules of Professional Responsibility can be summed up in one sentence: don't be a douchebag. Then it's just variations - don't be a d-bag to your client, don't be a d-bag to former clients, don't be a d-bag to opposing counsel, and so on. But I have a feeling that writing all that on the test will not earn me high marks.
Holy smokes, it's almost the holidays and I haven't done really any holiday shopping! I should probably just give everyone a Santa hat and act really offended if they don't like it or act confused. Rejecting a Santa hat in late December is like hating America. Right Rick Perry?
I have plans to have the nerdiest law school party ever. It will be called the "Ex Parte" (that's a law joke...yeah). And it will only go downhill from there. We can serve an apple tort(e). There will be Federal Rules of Party Procedure. And so on. I'll think of more awful law jokes later.
FYI: this is why law school's law revue shows are not funny. Law jokes are uniformly terribly.
My annual birthday gathering at the Big Hunt was this Saturday. A decent amount of people came out given that it was mid-finals. Despite having a server who hated me for ordering a drink from the bar (when she took ten minutes to come by the table), it went pretty well. I saw some peeps I have not seen in a while, and there was general merriment. And Sunday I was able to combat the hangover enough to get some actual work done. For the win!
As if law school wasn’t stressful enough, soon you will have to think about finding a job. I work with JD Match, where they make finding the AmLaw firm that’s right for you – and better yet – the firm that’s looking to hire someone with your qualifications – easier. Check out JD Match, learn about their sophisticated matching algorithm and sign up for a free membership today. A few minutes of your time could get you on the path to real experience.