First exam of this finals period: completed. Foreign Relations Law. It was a good deal harder than I anticipated. The second question (of two) was the type where you see it on a practice exam and say "maybe I'll skip this one..." only it was actually my final so I couldn't skip it. That harsh reality set in and I ended up with a somewhat creative answer to one of the parts which will either get lots of points or get me laughed at and zero points. So here's hoping. As often is the case, the redeeming factor is that everyone else had that "What the hell just happened?" look on their face as well. So if it was hard for everyone, we'll all do fine. Except the people who don't, as mandated by the curve. Daunting? Perhaps.
The other upside to this is that my confusing study session had little to no impact on the exam. I spent the afternoon with a classmate who did nothing but confuse my understanding of some of the material. I spent the early evening trying to forget the afternoon. What a productive use of my time. That's what I get for study group-ing in this class.
I wish there were other things going on at the moment. But the next thing is Con Law on the horizon (Friday). Anything else? Legolas, what do your elf eyes see? Orcs? No, just more exams. Damn. Nerd.
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