Friday, August 27, 2010


Whooooooo six personalized "thank you" emails! Pounded those out before the close of business. I am literally certain that they are full of grammatical problems if not plain spelling errors. As a result, I am going to imagine they are idyllic and not look in my "Sent Messages" folder.

"Hi, my name is nervousness and I am here to keep you awake last night."
"Well thanks nervousness, I didn't really feel like sleeping anyways. Let's play Boggle."
-Conversation that occurred two nights ago, pre-interview day, in my head.

A lot of the time when I am dealing with tense situations I invent ridiculous ways to approach them. For example, I created an elaborate plan to deal with my interview involving bringing Justin Timberlake (Shaked wisely recommended that I leave Justin in the reception area). It didn't necessarily help me de-stress, but it did make me want an entourage - not like that show "Entourage" but more like with Justin Timerlake who can narrate things in song form. Ask RKG, I tried inventing songs for him to sing in the background to help during my interview.

Now that I am done being slightly bewildered...

A dog is man's best friend, but diamonds are a girls best friend. Those are two quite different things. Has anyone ever explored this before? Discuss.

Here's a thing I still don't care about - youtube videos of people doing stupid crap.

A Middle East peace strategy maybe we should try: asking politely. Then sulking in the corner when our good-will is rebuffed until someone notices and gives concessions just to make us feel better. Then we all play four square and make the "double-taps" rule, and end up spiking the ball through someone's square who has been uncooperative.

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