Today in Crim Law my professor offered someone immunity from cold calls for the rest of the semester if they got up in front of the class and sung the "Different Strokes" theme song. No one did it, but it would have been amazing if they had. My professor then proceeded to use hypotheticals from the show, mostly involving Gary Coleman getting stabbed.
Irregardless is not a real word. I don't care what you or your spellchecker think. It means the same thing as regardless, and is not one of those flammable/inflammable things (which is also dumb).
In law there is a causality test called the "but-for" test. It asks would x have happened but for y. For example: but for the car's reckless driving, it would not have hit the cow. It's called the but for test! I laugh every time! And it wasn't very appropriate in Torts class.
Happy Guy Fawkes Day yesterday. The 404th anniversary of the Gunpowder Treason Plot. It still hasn't been forgot. Also, Guy Fawkes Day is where we derive the word 'guy' from, as in 'that guy.' In England they burn small effigies of Guy Fawkes - little Guys. That's where we get it. Fun fact. Or, if you don't like history, but do like movies/graphic novels, happy V for Vendetta Day, you devoid intellectual, you.
In light of Guy Fawkes Day, it may have been inappropriate for the "Tea Partiers" (hereafter referred to as tea baggers) to be protesting at the Capitol. After all, Guy Fawkes was protesting the government by trying to blow it up. Maybe not the best message to be sending. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's anti-democratic. And you know those tea baggers, they love democracy. Can't get enough of it. They love it so much that their idea of the democratic process is trying to intimidate legislators into voting against expanding health care. What could be more American than that? What a generous and kind-hearted thing to do. Also, this protest took place on a Thursday morning/afternoon. And people got bussed in for this. Don't you have jobs to do and families to attend to? Neglecting your family and occupation, once again, what could be more American. Also, I'd like to know what percentage of the tea baggers were non-white. My guess is approaching 0% What percentage of the tea baggers had an IQ that didn't put them in a range dangerously close to being retarded? My guess is approaching 10% These aren't people I'd want to be follwing around.
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