Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Synagogue, stupid

Today in Contracts we were discussing a case about a man who promises his rabbi to give his synagogue $25,000. It's a case about promissory estoppel in the case of gifts and charities. If you don't know what that means, don't worry, neither does half my class. The details of the case aren't relevant except what I already said. The student who was called on to discuss the case talked about the "church" that the donation was supposed to go to. My professor responded, using the word "synagogue," because, after all, the case is about a synagogue. When asked another question the student said church again, and again the professor used synagogue. It was kind of weird. At lunch I talked with someone else in the class who brought this up and said that he thought it was sort of anti-Semitic. While I'm not sure it was actually anti-Semitic, I thought it was odd, and certainly had some odd undertones. I don't want to be oversensitive and throw out allegations of prejudice all willy-nilly. But something was off. I'm not saying this kid was definitely anti-Semitic, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He could just be stupid. I was going to say he could also be incredibly ignorant, but even an ignorant non-stupid person would pick up that he should be saying "synagogue" through context clues slash when the professor repeats the word numerous times and the case you read says it and the word "church" is nowhere to be found. So I have at least one bigot or one moron in my class. I'm not sure which I'm hoping he is. Probably stupid.

Gunner update that I forgot from yesterday: We were talking about sports torts in relation to Serena basically trash talking. Gunner raises his hand and says, "When I played high school football trash talking was pretty regular. We'd all line up and say things to the other people, like I'm gonna...hurt you..." 99% of the people in the room (including the professor I'm pretty sure) rolled their eyes after the first six words and tuned out. It should also be noted that Gunner is probably 5'5", 145 pounds, and generally not in incredible shape. And if he lined up against any regular sized football lineman, even in high school, would get absolutely wrecked. He's also a Mormon, which leads me to believe any trash talking he may have participated in was ridiculous: "You haven't baptized your ancestors so you won't be able to be with them in heaven...chump." (Note: that's a real thing that Mormons think minus the chump comment. I'm not making it up as a ridiculous example.) His story is thrown into even more doubt because I was told that he was home schooled. So he might have been trash talking his mom in that high school football game.

Today I reached that point in the week where I was not going to do any more work. In fact, I did not want to sit in class anymore. This happened 15 minutes before the end of my last, and forth, class today. I started shaking my leg and wigging out. The seconds dragged by. The dean's fellow droned on. I checked my email 15 times in 4 minutes. One time I actually got something! It was awful. Particularly since I'm used to this happening on Thursday evening, not Wednesday afternoon. Bad news man. I hope next week it doesn't move up to Tuesday. Then we'll really have problems.


  1. i don't understand why profs keep calling on gunners... you'd think they'd learn. it's the boy who cried wolf scenario. three strikes and you're out. and if one of those times you have something real to say... well, you should have thought about that before you opened your mouth the first seventeen times and took away several minutes of my life that i'm never getting back.

  2. About the Synagogue: Not every goy went to Brandeis.
