Saturday, August 29, 2009


Friday was incredibly welcome. I feel like the first week of law school lasted a month. There was a lot of acclimation involved, a process which still has a way to go, and there was a lot of reading involved. I actually think that I read faster now than I did on Monday. And I certainly can read and understand court opinions much better.

With one week's hindsight of law school I can say that I have made progress going to new schools. A story my mother likes to tell me is about how I was really afraid to go to kindergarten. And one of the reasons for that is I didn't know if they would have bathrooms I could use or not. That's kind of a weird thing for a four-year-old to be worried about, but it happened. Turns out they did have bathrooms. Phew. As far as I remember I was miserable in kindergarten. I had chicken pox (which is now cured..what the hell?) for the first two weeks and had to be held out of school, so when I finally got to class everyone already knew each other and had friends. Let me tell you, that sucked. I think I sat on a bean-bag chair and cried for a few weeks. Times were rough.At least my trepidations have more substantial bases now. And I'm not worried about the restroom facilities.

In the middle of the week I took a much needed social break and went out for a little with some classmates who I had hung out with at the Nationals game the previous week. It was a nice way to stay together. As we were heading towards the restaurant this girl (she's 27...can I say girl? woman? is that weird?) turns to me and says, "Will, you really are a Masshole," with a big smile. I smiled back and said "Thank you," and the sentiment was profound. She enjoyed by Masshole-ish-ness because, as she explained, she had a roommate that she liked who was a Masshole as well. Another guy we were with had never heard the term and wanted an explanation. I think she put it well to him: "He just kind of says whatever is on his mind. Sometimes it comes off as very blunt and kind of mean, but it's not really meant to be." I am proud to be a Masshole and I am glad that others can spot it. Now I want to take my "cah" to the "packie" in "Hahvahd yahd." At least I haven't gotten called out for using 'wicked' as an adverb yet.

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